Gavin, can you expand a bit more on your claim the Boulder 2060 is more fluid. I'm assuming you mean it bridges the divide to tubes better than other heavyweight SS, and hence might be a great choice for someone like me who'd like to entertain the option of Apogees but can't abide the idea of giving up tubes.
Or do you mean it's unmistakably SS, but more grain free than the SS competition and hence has greater ease and transparency? But can't be mistaken for tubes?
I believe that listening to the 2060 one would never think that you are hearing a SS design, but for the feeling of limitless-ness that Mike refers to. There are no restrictions, no bump stops to bounce off. This and the vast expanse of silence from which music springs would be the only giveaways that would cause you to conclude you weren't hearing valves.
I suspect you will redefine what you mean by a solid state listening experience. There are no negative giveaways, if you exclude the propensity to trip my house breakers maybe once every five times i power it up, the lights dimming as the soft start ramps up, and the visit to the oesteopath after moving it. Grain is completely absent, music flows with no restriction or slightest hint that electricity is involved, and with such exquisite delicacy that you will be struck by the incongruity of something so massive creating something so delicate
Ok let me have another go at that
When the 2060 is in play, i will never be driven to lunge for the volume knob because certain tracks sound a bit edgy when played loud. I will not find myself turning things down after a couple of hours at war volume because fatigue is setting in. I have never had another amp that i could say that for.
I predict your number one impression will be of effortless musicality, no matter your programme choice.
With dance music it is a force of nature, with acoustic music or solo performers it is intimate
Please forgive my mangled prose at this time of day