Sparky. I think micro is talking about the ability to bias the D70

. I haven't confirmed what he suggests in his last post with my tech, however, when I did suggest the 'microstrip scheme' to him, he was pretty amused and as stated didn't believe that this was an appropriate way to bias the amp

. Instead, he stated as you did, that the manual is the correct way. I have heard all of the D series era amps with the exception of the M300's. IMO, the D70 and the M100's are the sweet spot. The D250 has more power and is better in the bottom end retrieval, but looses out to the D70's and the M100's in the critical midrange. The D115 is less capable in the mids than the D70 or the M100's and the D115 has more of the ARC 'whitish grain' than any of the other D series amps, again IMHO. It is true that my friend's D250 that had all of the problems was a first itineration

, so if the later versions were improved in this regard, that was a very good thing.
BTW, I had a chance to listen to a Ref 150 a couple of days ago, this amp seems to be the way ARC is going these days; more refined and perhaps accurate than the D series, BUT in some ways less musical than the D series. Although I was fairly impressed with the Ref 150 and would say that it is definitely a better amp than the REf 110 that it replaces.