High end DACs with built in streamers

Ian B

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Is there any sonic benefit (or drawback) from using a single box DAC with a built-in streamer card, vs a separate streamer connected via USB, I2S, or optical?

It seems like the issue of jitter might be lower with a built-in streamer, but noise within the DAC would be potentially higher. On the other hand, one fewer power supply in the system, and a couple less power and digital cables could be of benefit.

I've only heard DCS DACs with this functionality and I'm not really a fan of that sound, so curious.
I have Melco N100 streamer with LPS and Weiss DAC501 4ch(has UPNP and RoonReady streamer built-in).
Melco's Tidal sound is OK using UPNP OpenHome protocole and not so good with UPNP/DLNA and Roon.
Weiss Roon streamer simply crushes Melco in any mode. Excellent sound quality with Tidal-especially if
you use Weiss DSP tastefuly...
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