History of Wadax.

I guess he’s unfamiliar with the pronunciation of W in many Northern Europe languages, in spite of being the son of Spain’s B&O importer.
A fascinating overview of the world of Wadax. Yes Ron, apparently, everything matters!
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A fascinating overview of the world of Wadax. Yes Ron, apparently, everything matters!
with these Akasa DC cables in one mind state i feel a bit silly and guilty, then when i listen that is forgotten. the realism step forward is profound. the additional energy and presence in the music is unmistakable. yet they are objectively slight subtle differences.

the more transparent the recording, the greater the impact of the cable change. i would also expect that the more developed the system, the greater the impact too. but not A/B'd them in another system.
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with these Akasa DC cables in one mind state i feel a bit silly and guilty, then when i listen that is forgotten. the realism step forward is profound. the additional energy and presence in the music is unmistakable. yet they are objectively slight subtle differences.

the more transparent the recording, the greater the impact of the cable change. i would also expect that the more developed the system, the greater the impact too. but not A/B'd them in another system.
As Javier continues his explorations what new, previously unknown, digital “artifacts” will be unearthed?

And what will be the excavation costs…
  • Haha
Reactions: Lagonda
with these Akasa DC cables in one mind state i feel a bit silly and guilty, then when i listen that is forgotten. the realism step forward is profound. the additional energy and presence in the music is unmistakable. yet they are objectively slight subtle differences.

the more transparent the recording, the greater the impact of the cable change. i would also expect that the more developed the system, the greater the impact too. but not A/B'd them in another system.

According to the Wadax literature, the WADAX Reference Dac’s “MusicIC” chip corrects errors introduced by the dac, the current-to-voltage converter, data-correlated jitter, the analog output stage, and even the effects of the power-supply. Doesn’t the effects of the Akasa DC cables invalidate their previous claims?
According to the Wadax literature, the WADAX Reference Dac’s “MusicIC” chip corrects errors introduced by the dac, the current-to-voltage converter, data-correlated jitter, the analog output stage, and even the effects of the power-supply. Doesn’t the effects of the Akasa DC cables invalidate their previous claims?
you would have to send a message to Wadax and ask them about that. i'm not techie enough to have that conversation. anything i would say would be a complete non techie guess. experientially switching out the standard DC cables for the Akasa DC cables now twice is a total win musically both times. were there technical trade-offs going on for the net gain? you'd have to speak to the developer to know.
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As Javier continues his explorations what new, previously unknown, digital “artifacts” will be unearthed?
until you get to the mountain top, sometimes it's hard to see the that it was only another ridgetop and there is more mountain to climb. but you first have to pay the price to get to the mountain top you can see from where you stand.

the human condition.
And what will be the excavation costs…
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you would have to send a message to Wadax and ask them about that. i'm not techie enough to have that conversation. anything i would say would be a complete guess. experientially switching out the standard DC cables for the Akasa DC cables now twice is a total win both times. where there trade-offs going on for the net gain? you'd have to speak to the developer to know.

What are the specifics of the noticeable improvements heard that are associated with the use of the Akasa DC cables?
until you get to the mountain top, sometimes it's hard to see the that it was only another ridgetop and there is more mountain to climb. but you first have to pay the price to get to the mountain top you can see from where you stand.

the human condition.

After all, there is only one Mt.Everest. Let’s just hope you’re not presently at Base Camp.
What are the specifics of the noticeable improvements heard that are associated with the use of the Akasa DC cables?
posts #147, 156, and 162 in this thread describe what i'm hearing from the 'Level 4' Akasa DC cable ungrades.

After all, there is only one Mt.Everest. Let’s just hope you’re not presently at Base Camp.
i'm maybe just past the Hillary Step with 2 full bottles of Oxygen. clipped into fixed ropes, no wind, clear weather and feeling great. the view is not bad either. the South Summit was a rush, but this is much closer to the goal.

life is pretty damn good.
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Based on the provided reference posts:

i'm hearing something equivalent to good vinyl, not suggesting vinyl, or like vinyl, but level with vinyl. but not the same. it's more settled. more solid. not quite as sexy, delicate and exceptional here and there as the very best pressings and a bit different. but it just is so grounded, grain-less, zero sense of any lack of organic rightness. tonal density. solidity in the images. the bass is remarkable.

violins, pianos, vocals, horns, pace and flow are top rank. been listening to lots of piano recordings and waiting to find a niggle. not yet.

i'm hearing exceptional scale and weight, and top to bottom balance. been listening to lots of big music, full orchestral and it nails it. all of it. who knew digital could do large scale so well? it can. have not found any faults yet in presentation. maybe it does not bloom quite like some vinyl.....but it might be more consistent on staying tonally right. it sorts out complicated dynamic music unlike any previous digital and just like great vinyl. Level 4 Wadax does not have nearly as frequent glassy string sections as vinyl does. who knew?

I’m trying to interpret how phrases like “tonally right”, “like vinyl”, “organic rightness”, and other phrases used correlate to frequency response and harmonics.

Back in the 1990’s, SPL-Audio,from Germany, makers of recording and mastering studio processors and equipment, developed for MB Quart, also from Germany, a consumer version of their studio “Vitalizer” processor. I own one of these processors, along with a number of other SPL’s studios vitalizers and sound designer or sculpting equipment. These pieces would do much of what you are describing at a small fraction of the costs of these cables. Nowadays most of these studio processors have all been converted to VST plugins, which not only further reduces their costs but also makes them easier to embed in code, in software or firmware implementations, by other manufacturers.
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As Javier continues his explorations what new, previously unknown, digital “artifacts” will be unearthed?

And what will be the excavation costs…
Wadax is crazy expensive. Yet, people are mad the new MSB is less than the old. What to do.
Based on the provided reference posts:

I’m trying to interpret how phrases like “tonally right”, “like vinyl”, “organic rightness”, and other phrases used correlate to frequency response and harmonics.
Why? Time and time again people utilizing DSP screw up tbeir stereo to unlistenable performance chasing frequency response. I know many that have made this mistake. Eventually they go back to using their ears.
Why? Time and time again people utilizing DSP screw up tbeir stereo to unlistenable performance chasing frequency response. I know many that have made this mistake. Eventually they go back to using their ears.

Why, you ask? Because everything pertaining to sound is a function of frequency, amplitude and temporal properties. There is nothing else, only those three elements.
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Wadax is crazy expensive. Yet, people are mad the new MSB is less than the old. What to do.
Rex when you spend let’s a car all options 90k
Last year car and the new 2025 model all options
is less expensive
A few things are very apparent
1 your car last year model is worth less unless there is tangible facts.
2 tangible evidence is scarce in audio as by its nature it’s an observation with conclusions based on that persons view
3 how to justify the new model in trading in for new.
Why, you ask? Because everything pertaining to sound is a function of frequency, amplitude and temporal properties. There is nothing else, only those three elements.
You have not mentioned the elephant in the room
Us , the observer and conclusions.
I’ve never spent nor would I spend what a full stack wadax or other top tier multiple box digital
but some do and I’m happy for them.
your opinion or points I respect but they are a invalid points without your opinion

think 10 years ago digital and play one now
would you be happy ?
would you readily accept its below now sound
And can you qualify or quantify the Simple Answer based on your above facts

try an older version of HQ player are they better or worse ?
and if so how can you use just the above comments
And not use the observation of us.
You have not mentioned the elephant in the room
Us , the observer and conclusions.
I’ve never spent nor would I spend what a full stack wadax or other top tier multiple box digital
but some do and I’m happy for them.
your opinion or points I respect but they are a invalid points without your opinion

think 10 years ago digital and play one now
would you be happy ?
would you readily accept its below now sound
And can you qualify or quantify the Simple Answer based on your above facts

try an older version of HQ player are they better or worse ?
and if so how can you use just the above comments
And not use the observation of us.

Al, I think that you are missing the point. While HQPLAYER has become more powerful and features-rich as the years have gone by and the software has matured, the overall results have not changed regarding its affects on the resultant sound; the only thing that has changed is that you now have more options and different implementations. The only thing that HQPLAYER or anything else can do is modify the frequency, amplitude and temporal characteristics of the sound. What HQPLAYER is capable of doing today is a different approach to addressing the issues with digital playback that have been around for years.

In other words, progression does not always mean advancement as some are attempting to fix problems that have already been solved. For instance, deep sounding or tight sounding bass notes? You could address this with ported or sealed subwoofers respectively until you find a solution that you like. DBX addressed this same question in the 1980’s with a studio processor called the “DISCO BOOM BOX”.
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Ehat would a measured .3 db gain at 1264 hertz tell you about what a DAC/Sever sound like.

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