Jeffy, totally concur. For me, imaging, stage depth, soundstaging, don’t exist in live unamplified, or if they do, more in an emerging bubble of energy, not in the kind of pinpoint detail one hears in uber resolving high end systems.
Dynamics, especially lightning reactive scaling of volume and shards of violent energy from bursts of trumpets etc are never going to be achieved at home.
For me that means trying to realise “natural” warmth, tone density and timbral accuracy in my system at home to mimic what I hear live is my goal, and going as far as I can in capturing a modicum of scary live dynamics, are my limited set of aims.
A two decade journey to SET tubes, full range driver spkrs, accurate non euphonic analog, warm juicy digital, clear calm room acoustics, low noise power and floor-proof vibration isolation, are all conspiring to finally get me there.