after some days of music I changed to the Etsuro Gold, which was fitted before into the Ikeda 407 (old matt solid steel armwand version). This was then a kind of "über and beyond" shock. My expectations were high, as the Gold was performing nicely in the Ikeda 407, but the Axiom was so much better in all aspects The music was more integrated, more easy to follow, the level of details has increase, but not in pushing the details into your face, more in a soft and elegant way, if you are not looking for the details, they disappear as parts of a natural, authentic music reproduction.
My wife and myself love records with female voices, we hear a lot of the old Clannad music together. Listening to the nearly 40 years old live record (the white one with the red letters) was like joining a concert. Clannad were that time on a tour in Germany, which I visited (not the exact concert of the record, but the same tour) and I was never so close to the concert feeling before.