We like to talk about neutrality vice preferences like there is really a black and white choice to be made. Although we can say with a high degree of certainty that there are measurable differences between electronics and speakers of any type with some measuring *better* in ways that have been deemed to be better, in reality, none of them are neutral. And I mean neutral in the fact that no electronics sound exactly like live music and the circuit has zero colorations. We just aren’t there yet people.
You like SS? That’s a preference. You like tubes? That’s a preference. You prefer single-ended amps over push-pull amps? That’s a preference. You think electrostats sound better than box speakers? That’s a preference. You like digital and not analog? That’s a preference. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. All of our systems are built upon our preferences.
So, given that no electronics or speakers are perfect, the sound and the gear we all buy are based on our preferences whether we care to admit it or not. While absolute fidelity may be our goal, we have no absolute fidelity at this point in time. I for one think there is much more work to be done in all links of the recording and playback chain before we can declare victory and say we have arrived and crossed the threshold of absolute fidelity.