Kharma Exquiste Midi 3.0 vs Classique?


Apr 27, 2024
I have just bought a midi 3.0 for a very special offer . After sonus faber il cremonese the difference is night and day nearly about every aspect. Detail, refinmemt, crystal clear and open highs etc. But the guge and deep soundstage is missing. My dealer also offered a classique but don’t have chance to listen it. Is it kust more of everything from midi 3.0 or has a better soundstage? Il cremonese was a bit big for my room especially the width of the room which is 4.40 meters. Room is 12.5 meters long which is around 54 sqm. So if the clasiique is big for the width of the room than i will stay with midi 3.0 but if soundstage is greater i will go for it.
Anyone heard both?

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