@Thundersnow Thanks or your great writeup. I read this post in November before I ordered my GG3. I recieved it a bit over a week ago and have refraimed from writing reviews until I listened more. However, I just went back and re-read your reveiw. There are a lot of sentences in there that ring very true with me.
Frequently the music grabs my attention and I have to look up from my computer and say wow. Big, open, airy and totally smooth and well defined. Everything sounds more like I would expect it to sound. more real.
While waiting on the GG3 I found a good deal on a nice pair of EML 300b's through a friend. So I put them in right away and they were great. I didn't realize how great until I got a pair of Sophia PX25s and found them very inferior. I haven't even tried the EH 300bs that came with it. I keep looking at other tubes but am reluctant to pull the trigger thinking it will be hard to beat this pair of EMLs...I am very happy that I went with the DHT based DAC.
I have the KR 5U4G rectifier which seems pretty good but I bought a KenRad that was highly recommended by another forum member and am looking at a few others.
Thanks for the useful words and would love to hear reports of other tubes you find to excel.