Linn Klimax vs Selekt + Edition + Organic + Utopik


Active Member
Aug 25, 2022
Hi all,
I am thinking of upgrading my streaming system. Recently it is Lumin U2 transport -> Nagra Classic (V1) Dac. One of my contenders is Linn. But I can't find the difference between a Linn Klimax DSM (35.000 GBP, UK msrp) compared to Selekt Edition Hub + Organic DAC + Utopik Power Supply upgrades. As far as I understand, Edition Hub comes default with Utopik (but, don't know if it is included in the price). So if Utopik is included in the Edition price, stereo version is 13.660 GBP, UK msrp (9.950 Edition Hub + 3.250 Organic Stereo + 460 Stereo Line Out). Even if the Utopik is not included in the Edition Hub price it goes up to 15.010 GBP, UK msrp (13.660 + 1.350). For dual mono Organic DAC and analog output it makes 16.200 GBP, UK msrp (9.950 Edition Hub + 5.500 Organic Mono + 750 Mono Line Out) and if Utopik is not included in the price it makes 17.550 GBP, UK msrp (16.200 + 1.350). Furthermore, even though it is written openly that the price for mono dac & output are for "sold as pair" and I understand it wrong and they are per single, the utmost price makes 23.800 GBP, UK msrp (9.950 + 5.500 + 5.500 + 750 + 750 + 1.350).
First of all, does anybody know the technical justification behind the price difference? I can only get my reasoning down to single aluminium machined body vs. conventional chassis. Also, has anybody had first hand experience with both, at same system? If not, has anybody had experience about both?
I have searched this in WBF and all around the internet. The question is asked many times (even in the Linn videos as user comments), but I couldn't find the answer anywhere. Thanks in advance.

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