Mains power supply filtering


New Member
Aug 7, 2024
Hello everyone,

I have not posted much on this forum, and apologies if the answer is somewhere else staring at me blatantly.:D

I have always been a fan of taking care of my incoming mains, and to this extent I keep the house mains separate to the HIFi, my incoming mains separates at the start after the meter and then splits into house + Hifi on separate consumer units (distribution panels)

I have never liked in-line mains filters but have had reasonable success with parallel filters using just capacitors across the Live>Neutral near the components, although this is not 100% always better in call cases.

So here is the question.

I have been considering putting an in line filter on the mains coming in to the Domestic/house side of the mains, to act in reverse to prevent the in house noise bleeding back into the split at the incoming point. Has anyone tried this?

The incoming mains is on the right, the domestic house is above this coming off the henley block, so would run through a 100A filter, and the Hifi is on the left, I hope this makes sense - the drawing is me working out if it would it on this wood panel in my cupboard.




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    Screenshot 2024-10-27 at 07.26.27.png
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