Mark Levinson Interview


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2015
Beautiful interview with Mark Levinson on his music backround. In this interview and in others, I find he projects a depth and natural humility that speaks well of the man and his work past and present.

I'm settled with my gear, but if were looking, I would want to take a serious listen to his latest with Daniel Hertz Audio.

@wil you have outdone yourself today. The Cookie Marenco interview and this Mark Levinson interview are two of the most useful videos that I’ve seen posted here.

This video covered material that was heretofore unknown to me. My prior understanding of the Mark Levinson story began after the period covered here. I hope I can dig out part 2. The story picks up when he, like Dan D’Agostino, got screwed out of their work product. Very sad … and even sadder after listening to this first part of the interview.

Thanks for posting.
@wil you have outdone yourself today. The Cookie Marenco interview and this Mark Levinson interview are two of the most useful videos that I’ve seen posted here.

This video covered material that was heretofore unknown to me. My prior understanding of the Mark Levinson story began after the period covered here. I hope I can dig out part 2. The story picks up when he, like Dan D’Agostino, got screwed out of their work product. Very sad … and even sadder after listening to this first part of the interview.

Thanks for posting.
Sorry Sir but he didn't get screwed out of anything, that dog won't hunt. I worked at Lyric during this time and that just isn't true. I am not going to get into the history there are those who might but screwed out of anything is just false.

this is an overview without the dirty details of the history
Sorry Sir but he didn't get screwed out of anything, that dog won't hunt. I worked at Lyric during this time and that just isn't true. I am not going to get into the history there are those who might but screwed out of anything is just false.
Yes Elliot--the ML products of the late 70's early 80's mostly bore no resemblance to the Madrigal /Harmon ones after the takeover. The first JC-2 Pres and ML-2 Monos were in some eyes(ears?) groundbreaking SS gear mainly due to the ability of John Curl whom at the time was linked with Mark's company.I've owned both at the same the time I worked at Electro Research in Orange County.
I've met Mark L and found him personable and likeable--but like any business in this world personalities/ situations/ money/ego / power binges/etc can lead to destructive outcomes that will do none of the combatants any favours.

Some can rise like Phoenix --I personally hope he can prove he still has some Kudos in the Industry.

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Sorry Sir but he didn't get screwed out of anything, that dog won't hunt. I worked at Lyric during this time and that just isn't true. I am not going to get into the history there are those who might but screwed out of anything is just false.
EG, the last sentence isn’t even written in an English dialect I am familiar with.

The reference that you link to tells NOTHING about what actually happened. It starts in contradiction with what ML says his original musical focus was. And it’s authorized decades after the fact by the heirs (not literally blood heirs, but the rhetorical heirs).

FWIW, I was a customer of Lyric in those days … and I can’t think of a single reason why working there or being a customer there is related to that history.

Instead of launching another idiotic multi page derailed raft of responses, could we just walk away from this thread and let it be about the very nice video that Wil posted? I’ll take the first step. I apologize for offending you by sharing my recollection… and, I won’t post in this thread again.
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FWIW, I was a customer of Lyric in those days … and I can’t think of a single reason why working there or being a customer there is related to that history.

Mike Kay put together the group to purchase the company out of receivership.
I suppose getting screwed over is a subjective term.
IIRC the absolute sound did a piece authored by Hp.
His partners allegedly filed an amendment to the company tax return that forced the company into bankruptcy/ Then they took it over and Mark Levinson was not even allowed to use his own name. Hence the names Red Rose and Cello.
That may not technically qualify screwed over. They definitely should have bought him dinner first.

If someone has different version, I would like to hear it.
Some people spend too much money personally or on designing new products or are just bad at running companies. They then find financing from other people and thereby loose ultimate power. Have they been screwed over ? :oops:
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When your company is broke and you bring in partners/investors and sign contracts and then things go south stuff happens.
Me personally I dont describe that as being screwed. BTW what happend at Cello and Red Rose was he screwed there as well?
Mark is an intelligent and charming person but that is very different from the business history. I worked for Mike Kay and he was a kind and generous boss he didn't screw anyone. That is all I am saying, I was there, I saw and heard it all.
Peace out!
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Share it with us. please?
Think Infinty and genesis
until Gary stepped in I think it was loosing money in the pursuit of better sound
I get the better sound part but there needs to be a bottom line
you can’t have both unless it’s an investment sink hole to use losses
did mark design ?
What is Levinson up to? Class D?

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