Timbre and dynamics are totally different things. The first relates to frequency content, and the second to volume levels. If those experts are confusing these basic concepts, it's tough to accept their other definitions. Are you sure you're not quoting them out of context?
Ah yes, the old
Argument From Authority logical fallacy.
Ethan, great talent for insulting there with the last few posts
YES timbre and dynamics ARE different as I have been saying for quite a few pages
So therefore any "timbre dynamics" (used by physics/mechanical engineering research btw NOT musicians and describing behaviour matching quite a lot of musicologists not just the 2 I am using) must be something else as you seem to finally said they are different, hence why microdynamics IS NOT dynamics and yet before you keep on going that they are meant to be similar therefore microdynamics is meaningless
Glad you now agree that context between the two is very different and as timbre is influnced by at least 3 behaviour traits linked to "timbre dynamics or microdynamics" it is then not meaningless
So it is ok for you to say your an expert with your background (that was part of your post earlier on used to prove the validity of your experience btw), but not for others to use those with exceptional formal training and backed up by research that formal trained musicians have a different approach in the application of timbre.....
Sorry I never realised you understood this subject as well as MIT research and musicologists that have been taught the theory and application of music-notes to a standard we would envy.
AGAIN you miss out parts where my posts do mention matching and correlating to existing research; both MIT mechanical engineering research among others and seperately with regards to research study informal vs formal trained musicians, so
"Argument from Authority" logical fallacy seems a strange call although I have the feeling you have not been really looking deeply in what I am saying and researching it afterwards.
Ironically you raised Argument from Authority, but it was you who first mentioned your expert background and the insulted those I used by demeaning them with "expert", and still demean that they are wrong and you are right lol.
You are a one track record at times Ethan
Just to stop this, yes you are completely right; the physics research papers describing and investigating timbre is wrong, and so are two very well respected musicologists, and the paper backing up formal training vs informal training is wrong.
Your making this sound so simple when the reality is this is an incredibly complex subject.
So congratulations on winning and proving they all know nothing, or oh I see yes I do not know this subject and I am misquoting, yeah right
BTW no prize for winning apart from the lack of need to read more research (never ends) and musicologists papers.
Definitley bowing out now as it is disintegrating from what should be an open discussion.
I do not think I am misquoting this simple reduced definition of microdynamics or its context (color-expression-etc relates to timbre) by John McGuire:
"microdynamics, i.e. the relative loudness of different partials within the mixtures. This is the single most important influence on color."