'Moderate' Drinking During Pregnancy Has No Effect on Young Children: Study

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
I must admit that this study is absolute bogus. To tell any pregnant woman that moderate drinking is OK in her pregnancy is pure nonsense

In fact FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) can occur with as little as 2 drinks per day of either beer, wine or hard alcohol.

Google Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and ask yourself if you would be OK with your wife imbibing during her pregnancy....


TUESDAY, June 19 (HealthDay News) -- One of the cardinal rules for expectant moms: don't drink.
But a new study out of Denmark is throwing that maxim into doubt. It finds that 5-year-olds whose mothers drank low to moderate levels of alcohol (between one and eight drinks a week) during early pregnancy showed no ill effects.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy that exceeded the "moderate" threshold, however, was associated with a lower attention span among children in that age group.
Despite the findings, experts who reviewed the research said it shouldn't change standard recommendations.
"These findings can easily send a very dangerous message to pregnant women," said Bruce Goldman, director of Substance Abuse Services at the Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, N.Y. He noted that the U.S. surgeon general advises against drinking during pregnancy to avoid fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
"Women may underestimate and have difficulty acknowledging the frequency or quantity of alcohol consumed," Goldman said. "Those suffering from alcoholism may attempt to rationalize that it is safe to drink moderately, something they may ultimately be unable to do."
In the study, researchers analyzed data from more than 1,600 women in the Danish National Birth Cohort. The amount of alcohol consumed by the women during their pregnancy was classified as either none, low (one to four drinks per week), moderate (five to eight drinks per week) or high (nine or more drinks per week). Binge drinking was defined as having five or more drinks on a single occasion.
At age 5, the women's children underwent tests to assess their IQ, attention span and thinking skills needed for planning, organization and self-control.
Overall, low to moderate weekly drinking during pregnancy had no significant effect on the children's brain development, the team reported. Nor did binge drinking. There was, however, a link between high levels of drinking during pregnancy and lower attention spans in offspring at age 5.
The findings appear in five different studies published June 20 in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Although it's still best for pregnant women to avoid alcohol, these results suggest that small amounts may not be a serious concern, concluded researchers led by Ulrik Schioler Kesmodel, a consultant gynecologist and associate professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital.
They called, however, for more large-scale studies to further investigate the possible effects of low to moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Another U.S. expert familiar with the findings said it's still too early to give women a pass to drink while pregnant.
"I would still caution women about drinking during their pregnancies," said Dr. Jennifer Wu, an obstetrician/gynecologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. "There may be subtle neurobehavioral changes that were not picked up in the study."
"Also, it can be hard to accurately test younger children," she said, and "tests at an older age may detect larger differences."
Don't get so excited, Steve. I drank all through my wife's pregnancy and my son is perfectly normal.

The alcohol lobbies will do anything to convince anybody that drinking anything under any circumstances is good for them and will pay doctors to "prove" it over and over to create publicity. Emergency rooms full of broken bodies, shattered minds, horrendous social costs and destroyed families will never stop that.

After WWII, the military wives all drank and smoked during pregnancy like mad, my Mom talked about it, it was ubiquitous then, including her.

Hey, except for some ADD, insanity, poor judgment, impulse control, and audiophile tendencies, I turned out OK!
I’m surprised that when I was born that I didn’t come out of the hatch with a martini in one hand and a cigarette in the other. In the 1950s, it was certainly acceptable for women to drink and smoke when they were pregnant and my mother did both. At least that’s what my mom told me.
--- This is making the news all over! ...I saw pregnant women hitting the liquor stores! :eek:

Yup, the research worked. Piles of drunken pregnant women are blocking the aisles and doors of WalMart.
This thread has some of the funniest comments yet.

Seriously though. If you wouldn't give your baby a drink when he or she is born, why in hell would you give your baby one when your baby is inside you? That's just plain nuts.
---Mmm... Did we already lose a female member; AngellaB?

* Yep, I guess so; no more traces of her. ...She just vanished into the wind.

Must have been the skittish type.
European women have been enjoying moderate drinking (a glass of wine every other evening) during pregnancy for generations. Heck, they even give kids diluted wine or beer from age 3 or 4 on. Some even earlier. No major collapse of the population or civilization that I can tell ;-)

Heavy drinking is for sure bad, but I guess the question is, what is 'moderate'? (expressed in terms of effect on blood alcohol level?)
What were we talking about?


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