Multi Channel / 2 Channel room


WBF Founding Member
May 10, 2010
Smyrna, GA
Ok. Things have finally settled down to the point where I can post pics of my system, without thinking I will swap out half of my gear over the next 6 months. This is what I settled for:

Power: Shunyata Hydra and Python, Alpha digital and analog cabling, and Anaconda umbilicals between the wall and conditioners (shunyata conditioners are behind the main rack)
Amplification: Spectral DMC 30SS Series II, DMA 360 series 2 monos (I have a Bel Canto amp for my surrounds)
DACs: 3 x PS Audio DirectStream for stereo and Multi Channel application
Sources: 2 channel: CAPS 3.0 with battery SotM USB, MCH audio / video: Monster fanless server with HDMI card and Lynx for audio (MCH server is behind the Spectral - completely controlled remotely over iPad)
Software: Jriver, Jremote, Dirac
Speakers: Evolution Acoustics MM3 for mains, Linn Klimax 340A active center, and B&W in walls for surround
Cabling: MIT MA-X, HD90 and Transparent reference between DAC and preamp
Other: I run my video (from satellite TV and MCH server) through an Oppo 103D, which I use as an HDMI switcher and video upscaler. Technically I can use it to spin discs, but I really never do this anymore. All audio and video content has been ripped to harddrive.

It all works beautifully. Few thoughts:
I am confident that running server with Lynx / Dirac straight into a stack of audiophile DACs beats the crap out of ANY processor. Fortunately, keeping the volumes between the three DACs in synch is a breeze. They respond to the same remote control and NEVER miss a volume up/down command.

Only issue is volume restriction on MCH. The low sensitivity center channel restricts the maximum volume I can play at. This is only an issue on MCH SACD rips and with Dirac applied (with Dirac you lose about 10dB gain) Sometimes I want to play louder than my system is capable of in MCH. I have a gain stage on order that will go between my DAC and the active center channel, which should give me about 8dB boost, which will solve this problem.

system July 2014_05.jpgsystem July 2014_04.jpgsystem July 2014_03.jpgsystem July 2014_02.jpgsystem July 2014_01.jpg.
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That's quite an impressive array of equipment! I assume your DACs are PS Audio's DirectStream, unless you have a specially tweaked version I haven't heard of called the PerfectStream. ;) A very nice system, enjoy the tunes!
That's quite an impressive array of equipment! I assume your DACs are PS Audio's DirectStream, unless you have a specially tweaked version I haven't heard of called the PerfectStream. ;) A very nice system, enjoy the tunes!

Good catch. DirectStream, bien entendu.
I'd be curious to know what video projector you're using in this setup. Thanks for sharing!

I'm using the Pioneer Elite PRO-FPJ1. Picked it up for $2500 spanking new on eBay. Pioneer was dumping them for a while though a secondary channel when they got out of the projector business. Local dealer was trying to offload his showroom demo for $6K - not a happy camper. Very nice projector.
Only issue is volume restriction on MCH. The low sensitivity center channel restricts the maximum volume I can play at. This is only an issue on MCH SACD rips and with Dirac applied (with Dirac you lose about 10dB gain)
Do you know that the 8dB attenuation is inserted by default in order to prevent signal overload due to potential boost by Dirac? It is generally not necessary. You can experiment by incrementally reducing the attenuation and watching (and listening) to see if the Dirac overload button flashes. In my setup, I can eliminate the attenuation entirely and recover that gain. Try it.
Do you know that the 8dB attenuation is inserted by default in order to prevent signal overload due to potential boost by Dirac? It is generally not necessary. You can experiment by incrementally reducing the attenuation and watching (and listening) to see if the Dirac overload button flashes. In my setup, I can eliminate the attenuation entirely and recover that gain. Try it.

Agreed. The amount of attenuation will vary depending upon setup.

Do you know that the 8dB attenuation is inserted by default in order to prevent signal overload due to potential boost by Dirac? It is generally not necessary. You can experiment by incrementally reducing the attenuation and watching (and listening) to see if the Dirac overload button flashes. In my setup, I can eliminate the attenuation entirely and recover that gain. Try it.

Kal, I have reduced the attenuation in Dirac to zero. If I have my DAC at 100, and Jriver at 100 I cannot rock the house on SACD rips. My center channel is the limiting factor.

It may not be a Dirac issue at all, but have something to do with how Jriver converts the DSD to PCM. Irrespectively, I need to find a way to get at least 8 more dB from my center, so I bought a gain stage. I also looked into getting a different center channel (the Evolution Acoustics), but they are 87dB, so I may run into same problem. Other option was to get a Mytek DAC for center (which has output voltage of up to 10v), but I need three identical DACs for time alignment and synching up volume control, and choose to go the PS audio route. The PS audio itself plays about 3dB lower than comparable DACs exacerbating the gain problem.

Writing this up just got me thinking - if indeed the digital source DSD rips is playing too low, I can boost all channels by say 6dB in Jriver in the digital domain, without driving into digital clipping. I need to play a bunch of files and verify that they are all playing safely (say 10db) below the clipping level with Jriver at output level 100, and then I can jack them up digitally. Any thoughts from the digital conoscienti on this idea?

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