Mutech Hayabusa MC Questions


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2018
I am considering a Mutech Hayabusa MC cartridge for my VPI Prime with the JMW 3D unipivot tonearm, and would like some assurance of its compatibility. Discussed with George Merrill, and he offered no opinion. Should I go with the Hayabusa the phono preamp most likely will be a Sutherland Little Loco into a Vitus RI-101 Mk 2. Speakers are Wilson Audio SaabrinaX.
Currently using a Nirvana SL/SX-LTD wire loom.
Also, is there a recommended set of tags for the Hayabusa.
From what I understand from George the Sutherland Little Loco/Mutech Hayabusa combo is most special.
The Hayabusa is very well self damped, and tonearm compatibility is not really an issue. It is mid-compliant and designed to work well with about any arm. A transimpedance phono stage, particularly the Little Loco MK2 or Dos Locos are truly excellent with this cart.
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The Hayabusa is very well self damped, and tonearm compatibility is not really an issue. It is mid-compliant and designed to work well with about any arm. A transimpedance phono stage, particularly the Little Loco MK2 or Dos Locos are truly excellent with this cart.
Thanks for your response, and confrirming what I believe as well, that the Mutech Hayabusa is suitable with many tonearms including the VPI JMW 10 3D unipivot tonearm. I should have it installed this coming Friday and will share my experience with it once it has settled in.
I am considering a Mutech Hayabusa MC cartridge for my VPI Prime with the JMW 3D unipivot tonearm, and would like some assurance of its compatibility. Discussed with George Merrill, and he offered no opinion. Should I go with the Hayabusa the phono preamp most likely will be a Sutherland Little Loco into a Vitus RI-101 Mk 2. Speakers are Wilson Audio SaabrinaX.
Currently using a Nirvana SL/SX-LTD wire loom.
Also, is there a recommended set of tags for the Hayabusa.
From what I understand from George the Sutherland Little Loco/Mutech Hayabusa combo is most special.
I run a Hayabusa on VPI prime signature with Dos Locos and the system is at its analog pinnacle. The hayabusa-Sutherland transimpedance combo is sublime. It’s hard to articulate but is addictive, non-fatiguing and alive. Running into JBL L300 currently.
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