This Oscar business stuff is strange; I had no clue of all what's underneath all those facades. I've heard of some but I don't spend much time there.
I've just read some more in the last few days. I had never listened to Mel Gibson's tapes made by his ex before, until very recently.
I had no clue on many other celebrities and the underground; the 2017 Oscars made me explore the underworld, beneath the surface, a little deeper.
It's hard to make sense of it all when we are not presented all the cards.
I understand why many people aren't interested by the Hollywood class elite.
I understand the hypocrisy, the injustice, the desire to money, power, stardom.
I understand man/woman's weaknesses in a world of exploitation and corruption and false values.
I understand, and I distance myself more and more when I learn about the demons devouring the real foundations of human values; respect.
It's not always easy to realize that what we see onscreen are just recreations by actors/actresses, a drive to make it in this world from recognition.
I should be more informed, and search for solid sources of information. So that I can understand better the character's underneath surfaces, and appreciate the ones who are the most deserving, the hard working people making good movies and play in them, unspoiled in their heart, mind and soul...life's actual reality. ...An almost impossible task for many, I think.
And that's what I had to say now.
Wow, alcohol and drugs will damage you if not under control. How the heck Mel put himself on those situations! I guess he was looking @ the wrong places, not realizing right away the world around him. Many people can be blamed, including Mel.
We live in a world of fake and hypocrisy. It's a beautiful blue planet with many good hearts, and also with few lost ones.
I love movies, I usually look @ them for their entertainment, messages, stories, decor sets, vistas, cinematography, music scores, acting, montage, locales, ...overall emotional impact...from laughing loud to crying deep, and all between.
This Oscar stuff diminishes some of that art. But how can we be aware of everything, know everything that there is in the world?
And make the right choices, the right judgement. Not only we don't know everything but our judgement is also affected by what we don't know and we don't have all the same view on films. It's the same with everything else; our leaders, the wine's industry, the fake Rolex watches made in China, the way we advertise people, clothes, underwear, dresses, Miss Universe, ...the way we treat others, raise our children, take care of each other.
I think money is the devil, the main culprit to all world's issues, it becomes an extravaganza, an overboard escape of reality.
For example:
There is instability on our planet, @ all levels; climate changes, disparities between the rich and the poor, blindness, etc.
I love films; they have the power to show and transform the world we live in for the better, for the best.