And I don't even know where to begin when it comes to why I get to hate an athlete so much in a game I loved since I was 7 years old. I have to correct the notion that I'm a Lakers hater. No I'm not. I have the utmost respect for the Kareem, Magic team in the 80s for the clash of the titans type of Finals that they brought to the NBA. Needless to say, I did not root for them but they were the purest, fiercest competitors I've ever seen in my basketball life. I had no problem when Lebron went to join the Lakers. It was by the rules as he was a free agent. Bunny hopping for a title team is not that loathsome when compared to what he did next. I would have even respected him had he stuck with the team that was there, Lonzo, Ingram, et al, and won the title. However I get to flip the rules of the NBA, I can never see how dining and recruiting Anthony Davis after a regular season game his not a violation of anti tampering which he got out scathe free. Then the whole scheme unravelled, to hook a player under contract with the Pelicans to his own agent and then demand a trade. And Magic Johnson gets a big fine for 1 wink. It is this procedure that caused me to root against the team wherever he plays for and unfortunately, it is the Lakers. And as one Rob Parker said, Lebron cheated the NBA fans with all his antics and I couldn't have agreed more. He has played the media game in hyping up his individual greatness just to chase 6 rings. It is by an unfortunate coincidence that he had to wear a uniform to do that.