On my way up: I want to be wow’d!


Sep 9, 2022
I currently have an AT33PTG/II and for the money it seems like a great value. As I rack up the hours, I’m pondering my next step.

ART9 would be obvious but I’m not looking for incremental gains but rather I want to be wow’d.
I’d like to find something with low resistance (under 10ohms). That would mate well with a Technics SL1200G arm. A little laid back demeanor and great bass are a must. Price under $4kUSD, the lower the better.

Suggestions are for me to research.

currently looking at MSL Eminence EX, used Mutech Hayabusa, Phasemation.
Thank you in advance!
I have the AT ART9XI, have used 2 Lyra Delos and now have the Lyra Kleos. The Kleos is a killer, easily better than the Art9 and the Delos. Resistance is 5 ohms. Bass is great although I would not call this cartridge laid back but totally neutral. Totally blown away by this cartridge……
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I have the AT ART9XI, have used 2 Lyra Delos and now have the Lyra Kleos. The Kleos is a killer, easily better than the Art9 and the Delos. Resistance is 5 ohms. Bass is great although I would not call this cartridge laid back but totally neutral. Totally blown away by this cartridge……
Not sure of your tastes but can the Kleos rock?
Oh yeah! I play a ton of classic rock and reggae. Kleos rocks!

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