Jonathan Valin, Executive Editor,
The Absolute Sound, issue 330
“The Centerstage 2M is an unqualified triumph.”
“…..The differences it makes under any and all components are unmistakable and entirely for the better. …..I’ll give you one example, which can stand in for all the components I’ve used a quartet of the Centerstage 2M ’s with. You wouldn’t think that footers would have a profound effect on the sonics of a world-class tape deck such as the Metaxas & amp; Sins Tourbillon T-RX (which, along with the United Home Audio Super Deck, was already the most lifelike source component I’d ever heard). But you’d be wrong.
………Indeed, the improvement startled me. Tone color, which was already outstanding, suddenly became audibly richer and more natural, particularly in the midbass and lower midrange (which weren’t thin to begin with). Understand that this was not a “lumping up” of energy (as with the port effect of a speaker); it was just a more lifelike fullness that not only added density to timbre but focus and dimensionality to the instruments producing that timbre. ……..The net result was an unmistakable increase in neutrality and completeness, and hence (with the best source material) in the magical illusion of real instruments and instrumentalists playing (near visibly) in a real space.”

Greg Weaver, Editor,
The Audio Analyst
”the pinnacle of performance”
The Audio Analyst
”the pinnacle of performance”
“…….The quality of improvement and enhancement that these game-changing footers offer in the realms of better extension, definition, and speed, at both extremes, of tonal purity, dynamic prowess, both macro and micro, and especially those of resolution, soundstaging, imaging, and the resultant immersiveness they engender, are benefits that you simply may not be able to achieve or replicate in any other way, even with a doubling, or tripling, of your investment in your components! Read that again because I’m deadly serious.
…..I was hearing entirely newfound power, especially in the lower registers, as well as markedly improved clarity across the entire bandwidth, from all instruments, resulting in the “essence” and “space” of the hall now even more superbly captured. And while this attribute was starkly apparent in the lowest reaches, it also impacted system performance broadband, reaching all the way on up into the uppermost octaves. The overall result of this elevated, clearer and more apparent resolution included a newfound expressiveness, especially in microdynamic subtlety, and an unmistakable cultivation of system transparency. With them in place, tonal vibrancy had become more expressive, and texture and color were more faithful and complex. And talk about rendering an immersive and convincing sense of space! Another result of this newfound transparency was that everything had assumed a fresh and more authentic dimensionality, revealing spatial cues more three-dimensional, more accurately sized, and fundamentally more correct, resulting in more engaging interplay and interrelationships among instrumental lines and arrangements.”
Dr. Michael Bump
Enjoy the Music
”All I can say is, amazing!”
Enjoy the Music
”All I can say is, amazing!”
“…..Personally, I consider participation in high-end audio more an essential craft than from a hobbyist's perspective. Although there are clearly countless windows of casual (often late-night) listening, my wife (also a professional musician/professor) and I reference our home audio system largely for the evaluation of recording and performance projects, dissecting the minutia of musical variables we must consider while practicing, performing, teaching, and mixing.
Returning on the 10th day was, in a word, an "awakening." This was no snake oil trick or self-inflicted sales pitch, but a genuine quantum leap in fidelity, with perhaps the largest revelation being an almost non-existent noise floor. Along with a pitch-black background and increased ambient air, familiar reference sources introduced previously unheard personality and convincing authenticity, bringing forth an exciting energy and sense of realism to the musical experience.
An investment of both time and money at the foundation of your audio system via Critical Mass Systems' Center Stage 2M footers will reap benefits difficult to believe unless personally experienced. Once you have, however, I can pretty much guarantee there's no going back.”
Christian Bayer,
Image HiFi (Germany) Translated, 2/2022 image-hifi.com
Perfect energy balance / exchange
”simply flawless.”
Image HiFi (Germany) Translated, 2/2022 image-hifi.com
Perfect energy balance / exchange
”simply flawless.”
“…….With CS2M, he uses a precise die-cutting process to replicate its crucial damping structure down to 10/thousandths of an inch.
All of this results in a not so subtle audible improvement over the older CS2 footers. I say this without equivocation, because I did easily A/B old and new from the same position under the same components that I used the old version with for more than 2 years. The smallest version (CS2M 0.8) finds it’s new home under my CD-Player, the medium one (CS2M 1.0) under my phonostage. Almost immediately I hear a more relaxed sound, like your osteopath loosening a blockage in your back. The old CS2 version “sounded“ really, really good, the new CS2M makes a jump to outstanding.
Everything sounded softer, more colorful, tidier, faster, unadulterated, more natural - simply flawless. I had not expected such a sonic boost and can only recommend to try these footers, before you change your components. But be aware that you won’t want to listen without them anymore.”
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