I can give some possibly relevant advice based on what I observed. Previously, I had a Bryston BDP-1 file player, and Bryston BDA-2 DAC. Both of these pieces had a Zitron Cobra power cord. I replaced the Cobra on the file player with an Alpha Digital, and my jaw dropped at the improvement in sound. It was a very obvious, noticeable improvement. Later I added an Alpha Digital to the DAC, and I did not notice any change. If there was a change then it was very subtle. So, for me, the Digital on the file player was the obvious winner. A few months ago I moved to the Sigma Digital on the file player, and while there appeared to be a little less noise, for a quieter background, it was no where near the improvement as when I went from the Cobra to the Alpha Digital.
Currently, I am using a Lumin S1 file player/DAC combo. This device has an external power supply that sends DC to the S1 via an umbilical cable. I have the Sigma Digital on the external power supply, but I don't know if that is optimal. I hope to get two Sigma HC cables for my amps in the near future, so maybe I can try one on the PS to hear what happens.