Siltech Single crown vs Nordost Vallhalla 2 on Mcintosh power amp


Aug 27, 2022
I have a Mcintosh Mc302 stereo power amp, I'm using Siltech Ruby hill 2 through out my system, i borrowed a Nordost Vallhalla 2 power cable and connected it to my Mc power amp and i was almost in heaven, what a HUGE all round difference it made. My point is i've learn that my Mc power amp likes a real good power cable. since i'm a Siltech guy i would like to stick with Siltech.

Has one compared the Nordost Vallhalla 2 power cable against say a Siltech Single crown power cable. I can't get hold of a Crown power to try, and it's a LOT of money for me to spend on such a cable.


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