Firstly and technically the krell doesnt double down for every halving of load , close but not technically true , now back to toobs ..
Really? Please post links to reviews with measurements that prove your point. And are you splitting some proverbial hairs here? Check out Stereophile's measurements and I rest my case.
Toobs are Technically superior to SS in two most critical areas ,
1. Toobs are Highly linear without negative feedback, specially some small-signal types, hence they are excellent for pre's and amplifier VAS stages ..this is a huge advantage for tubes....( where are the hybrids)
We are now seeing SS amps and preamps that don't use negative feedback and have measurements that are beyond reproach. Ayre is one example I can think of right off the top of my head.
2 Clipping is smooth, which is widely considered more musical than transistors, for this reason A 100 watt toob amp can sound more powerfull than a 200 watt ss, because you can actually push a toob amplifer into a 3db overload situation before the sound becomes offensive , where at 50 % of rated output on an SS amp would have most heading for the volume control knob , to reduce the offensive grunge ..
While it is true that tube amps clip more gracefully than SS because they tend to compress the top of the waveform instead of cutting it off, they still can't sound twice as powerful no matter how many old wive's tails you believe in. A 100 watt tube amp can only put out 100 watts. It can't put out 200 watts no matter how much you want to believe it can. By contrast, a true 200 watt SS amp is always a 200 watt amp and a 100 watt tube amp is always a 100 watt amp. The moral to the story here is don't clip your amp.