Stereophile's Recommended Components Fall 2024 Edition

Triode Pete

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2016
Long Island, NY

Triode Wire Labs is proud to be on Stereophile's Recommended Components list again!!! A huge Thank You to Herb Reichert & Ken Micallef!!!​


Triode Wire Labs Digital American II Digital AC cord: $549 up to 5'​

The High Power Digital American power cord was reportedly designed for power amps, power regenerators, power conditioners, and power bars: a theme emerges. Nevertheless, HR began his time with Triode Wire's cord by using it with digital source components, including his Schiit Audio Yggdrasil D/A processor, and was impressed: "I was surprised to hear more even more vigor, more distinctly drawn images, and a lot more physicality." A few days later he reinstated the Schiit's own stock cord, but after playing only two CDs "became impatient" and went back to the Triode Wire Labs. That said, when he tried the Digital American with his Pass Labs solid state amp, he found the improvement less remarkable than with the more expensive AudioQuest Storm Tornado cord. (Vol.41 No.8 WWW)


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