StradiTube.. review incoming (any requests?)

Did John give you a timeline on the Stradi 274b?
He said its kind of in the late stage of development and he'll let me know once ready. I hope soon...
Golum its good to hear your impressions were similar to mine with the rectifier. These tubes are doing some special stuff!
Exactly. I'm wrapping my head around why is that so. From technical standpoint (and I'm zero expert) somehow in my head following sentence from their website "rings" - "filament end loss structure" and for rectifier this is one of the things mentioned. For DHTs there are several things in the structure which are obviously changed vs WE300b hence I would assume this changes bring the difference we hear - and possibly the materials and process used. I've also never (at lest that I can recall) seen filament wire glowing below the bottom part of the plates...
Anyhow exceptional job done...
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As far as rectifiers are concerned, I’m old school. Once I got the WE 274B and the WE 422a, I stopped searching. To me these are the gold (platinum?) standard. A lot of modern tubes just don’t stand the longevity tests. My WE 274B has been used by me for thousands of hours. There’s no change in its audible or measured performance. These old WE designs just last forever. I’ve been very disappointed by the newer WE 300Bs. No match to the original. I recently saw the classic WE 101d triodes are built to last 40,000 hours. Who designs tubes like that anymore? When it comes to tubes, olden is golden.
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Thanks Rich for sending over the Stradi tubes—I had an amazing holiday weekend diving into some serious tube comparisons. It was a lot of fun pitting the Stradi 300B (both the S and non-S versions) against the TAK300B and WE300B.

My overall impressions align closely with Rich’s observations. For context, my setup is quite similar to his—both my 300B amp and speakers come from Rich! My DAC is Lampizator Pacific (using TAK300B and Bendix 6900), paired with a Thomas Mayer 10Y preamp. That said, one limitation in my experiment is that the TAK300Bs are the only tubes I have two pairs of, so I fixed TAK300B on Pacific for comparing tubes on the 300B amp.

Stradi 300B (Non-S Version): This tube truly stands out in terms of soundstage, dynamics, and bass detail. It reveals layers of bass texture I haven’t heard with either the TAK or WE. The bass is impactful, with impressive slam and extension—exceptional within the 300B category. However, its vocal presentation isn’t quite in my sweet spot. To my ears, vocals feel slightly recessed, dimmed, and distant, which isn’t ideal for my preferences if paired with Pacific.

Interestingly, when paired with my "little" DIY solid-state DAC (using 1541A chip), the vocal improves though still a touch distant for my taste, but enjoyable. This may actually work well for other solid-state DACs. In comparison, the WE300B delivers great vocals with the Pacific but falls short with my solid-state DAC, whereas the TAK300B shines with either setup when vocal clarity is the focus.

Stradi S300B (S Version): The Stradi S works well with Pacific in my system. Vocal has a good balance of texture and energy, without feeling dry. While it’s less rich in harmonic compared to others, it’s still engaging. Bass is tight and fast, and imaging feels more precise and pinpoint. However, it lacks some of the magic that makes the non-S version special—like the extraordinary soundstage, dynamic, and bass detail. With my DIY solid-state DAC, the S300B leans more toward what Rich described: it feels less emotional and less compelling overall.

I haven’t yet done a full comparison with all these tubes on Pacific. So far, though, each tube has carved out its own space in terms of strengths, It’s been a fun time to dive into these nuances! Thanks Rich again for being so kind and hopefully I will have sometime next week to try them on Pacific and update my thoughts here.
Thanks Rich for sending over the Stradi tubes—I had an amazing holiday weekend diving into some serious tube comparisons. It was a lot of fun pitting the Stradi 300B (both the S and non-S versions) against the TAK300B and WE300B.

My overall impressions align closely with Rich’s observations. For context, my setup is quite similar to his—both my 300B amp and speakers come from Rich! My DAC is Lampizator Pacific (using TAK300B and Bendix 6900), paired with a Thomas Mayer 10Y preamp. That said, one limitation in my experiment is that the TAK300Bs are the only tubes I have two pairs of, so I fixed TAK300B on Pacific for comparing tubes on the 300B amp.

Stradi 300B (Non-S Version): This tube truly stands out in terms of soundstage, dynamics, and bass detail. It reveals layers of bass texture I haven’t heard with either the TAK or WE. The bass is impactful, with impressive slam and extension—exceptional within the 300B category. However, its vocal presentation isn’t quite in my sweet spot. To my ears, vocals feel slightly recessed, dimmed, and distant, which isn’t ideal for my preferences if paired with Pacific.

Interestingly, when paired with my "little" DIY solid-state DAC (using 1541A chip), the vocal improves though still a touch distant for my taste, but enjoyable. This may actually work well for other solid-state DACs. In comparison, the WE300B delivers great vocals with the Pacific but falls short with my solid-state DAC, whereas the TAK300B shines with either setup when vocal clarity is the focus.

Stradi S300B (S Version): The Stradi S works well with Pacific in my system. Vocal has a good balance of texture and energy, without feeling dry. While it’s less rich in harmonic compared to others, it’s still engaging. Bass is tight and fast, and imaging feels more precise and pinpoint. However, it lacks some of the magic that makes the non-S version special—like the extraordinary soundstage, dynamic, and bass detail. With my DIY solid-state DAC, the S300B leans more toward what Rich described: it feels less emotional and less compelling overall.

I haven’t yet done a full comparison with all these tubes on Pacific. So far, though, each tube has carved out its own space in terms of strengths, It’s been a fun time to dive into these nuances! Thanks Rich again for being so kind and hopefully I will have sometime next week to try them on Pacific and update my thoughts here.

No worries at all. The more ears we have on these tubes, the better for the community at large.
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Looking forward to more intel on the horizon of the upcoming 274B, and possible ETA.

Also the Stradi Eb based 2A3s sound extremely enticing to my mind, leaving me quite curious. Always exploring new munitions for my beloved Triode Lab 2A3 GT-C FFX squadron. Think I’d be Interested to take the jump, have a listen, and compare and contrast their talents to some of the fine WWII era RCA and Sylvania specimens, the J.J.s?, or EMLs? stockpiled currently in the HiFi bunker. Most certain that these very thoughtful reviews above of the Eb based 300b variants will likely be quite translatable to our own weapons of choice (2A3).

*Bonus points! Sooo happy to see Stradi choosing to forego the precious need for ridiculously pretentious and inevitably wasteful (imho) “presentation boxing”.

Thank you all for sharing your kind research and impressions guys.

What a great time to be an audiophile and music lover!
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After spending a few more weeks with the tubes and experimenting with various combinations—including swapping tubes in Pacific and trying different driver tubes (801A/VT-25A) in my 300B amp—the main conclusions remain the same. However, I’ve noticed that optimizing the Stradi 300B (Non-S Version) involves using them in the amp rather than the DAC. Placing them on the DAC diminishes some of the dynamics and bass extension, which are standout qualities of the non-S version.

On the other hand, the Stradi S300B (S Version) performs very well in the DAC. It delivers great clarity and texture without sounding overly thin, remaining engaging and enjoyable.

A particularly satisfying combination I’ve discovered is using Stradi non-S 300Bs in the amp with VT-25A driver tubes, paired with Stradi S300Bs in Pacific. This setup is very impressive and holds its own against my current favorite: TAK300B in the DAC, 801A drivers + WE300B in the amp. The latter has the edge when it comes to treble and vocal engagement, which are the most important characteristics for me. However, the Stradi combo excels in dynamics, bass, soundstage, separation, and detail. While I personally value treble (being vivid) and more engaging vocal of the TAK+WE setup, I can see why some would prefer the Stradi in this setup.

And thanks again to Rich for letting me hold onto these tubes over the holidays!
I was going to write a topic on Stradi and their applications with Allnic equipment. While I am uncertain if the 300B reviewed above is their latest version recently released, I know the 300B was refined and I would agree this tube competes well with Takatsuki. Modern Western Electric 300B had issues with Allnic equipment UNTIL Q3 2024 WE tube production. This issue has since been resolved and feedback is universally favorable with Allnic owners. Stradi’s innovation in the last few years has been rapid succession and these are some of the best modern production tubes I have heard. They have been willing to manufacture necessary tubes for Allnic’s legacy equipment: HL2, rs242, 3A/109E, 5U4G and 300B.

The 5U4G is better than the OSRAM/MARCONI U52 - more crisp sound, but retain all the qualities I appreciate in U52. Across the board, these tubes are remarkable.

HL2 and 3A/109: Stradi makes the best version I have heard. These tubes are prone to be microphonic and the Stradi versions are consistently stable, making the H-8000 DHT, A-5000 DHT and L-8000 DHT models user friendly.

Note: Stradi is factory direct purchase only. Kevalin Audio and Allnic have no financial affiliation. Kevalin Audio does not sell Stradi tubes.
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I have a quad set of RS242s arriving today from Straditube for my H-8000 DHT. I had issues with the tubes supplied by Allnic with the phonostage itself. One died very quickly. The replacement RS242 sent by Allnic was made by KR , whereas the other 3 were Allnic's own. So I did end up purchasing some NOS Telefunken RS242 (at quite some expense), which have been absolutely wonderful, however I have been looking for suitable RS242s to roll, to keep the hours down on the Telefunkens if nothing else. Looking forward to hearing the Staditubes.
I will consider their HL2s and possibly 5U4Gs if I like what I hear.
I have not rolled the 300Bs yet - my understanding is that rolling the rectifier makes a greater difference, but I am sure that the temptation to tinker will get the better of me eventually (I use Taki 300Bs in my Gakuohs)
Communication from John at Straditubes has been exemplary.
In the H-8000 DHT - 300B is only a voltage regulator. Save your money here and use cheap tube set.

I love to hear your opinion on rs242. I have not heard the latest version of this. If a tube were to fail early - Stradi would be actively correcting the cause and change the design. So feedback for them is essential.
I have a quad set of RS242s arriving today from Straditube for my H-8000 DHT. I had issues with the tubes supplied by Allnic with the phonostage itself. One died very quickly. The replacement RS242 sent by Allnic was made by KR , whereas the other 3 were Allnic's own. So I did end up purchasing some NOS Telefunken RS242 (at quite some expense), which have been absolutely wonderful, however I have been looking for suitable RS242s to roll, to keep the hours down on the Telefunkens if nothing else. Looking forward to hearing the Staditubes.
I will consider their HL2s and possibly 5U4Gs if I like what I hear.
I have not rolled the 300Bs yet - my understanding is that rolling the rectifier makes a greater difference, but I am sure that the temptation to tinker will get the better of me eventually (I use Taki 300Bs in my Gakuohs)
Communication from John at Straditubes has been exemplary.

Ill be very curious to hear how they compare to the Telefunkens too!

I was going to write a topic on Stradi and their applications with Allnic equipment. While I am uncertain if the 300B reviewed above is their latest version recently released, I know the 300B was refined and I would agree this tube competes well with Takatsuki. Modern Western Electric 300B had issues with Allnic equipment UNTIL Q3 2024 WE tube production. This issue has since been resolved and feedback is universally favorable with Allnic owners. Stradi’s innovation in the last few years has been rapid succession and these are some of the best modern production tubes I have heard. They have been willing to manufacture necessary tubes for Allnic’s legacy equipment: HL2, rs242, 3A/109E, 5U4G and 300B.

The 5U4G is better than the OSRAM/MARCONI U52 - more crisp sound, but retain all the qualities I appreciate in U52. Across the board, these tubes are remarkable.

HL2 and 3A/109: Stradi makes the best version I have heard. These tubes are prone to be microphonic and the Stradi versions are consistently stable, making the H-8000 DHT, A-5000 DHT and L-8000 DHT models user friendly.

Note: Stradi is factory direct purchase only. Kevalin Audio and Allnic have no financial affiliation. Kevalin Audio does not sell Stradi tubes.
Thank you for also posting up with your experience. I am under the impression the 300Bs I have are the latest variants.

What I like about Stradi is not only that they produce a superlative tube, but they are also producing rare european tubes which have a lot to offer us modern listeners.
Last year I stumbled upon the Stradi website. They didn't have any tubes that any of my gear could use so filed it away. I found this thread a week or so ago and saw that they now offer a 5u4g.

I received 2—amp uses two—of the 5u4gs on Thursday. I let the system warm up for an hour or so with no music playing. I was blown away with how good the system sounded with the Stradi 5u4gs!

The reports of the 300B are very similar to the 5u4g in my system. I'm hesitant to write too much as I don't have many hours on them yet. Echoing the other reports and adding a bit more of my own. Rich, full of nuance and texture on top of textures while keeping everything lively with snap.

As I get some more hours on them I'll report back.

Big thank you to @Treehaus Audiolab , @Golum and @TKK .
Last year I stumbled upon the Stradi website. They didn't have any tubes that any of my gear could use so filed it away. I found this thread a week or so ago and saw that they now offer a 5u4g.

I received 2—amp uses two—of the 5u4gs on Thursday. I let the system warm up for an hour or so with no music playing. I was blown away with how good the system sounded with the Stradi 5u4gs!

The reports of the 300B are very similar to the 5u4g in my system. I'm hesitant to write too much as I don't have many hours on them yet. Echoing the other reports and adding a bit more of my own. Rich, full of nuance and texture on top of textures while keeping everything lively with snap.

As I get some more hours on them I'll report back.

Big thank you to @Treehaus Audiolab , @Golum and @TKK .
You are welcome. They deserve the attention, and it is great to hear that we are generally having a pretty consistent experience with the aural character of their tubes.
Another quick note. The 5U4Gs don't chatter or rattle at all during warm up. It was so silent I almost thought something was amiss. There is the click of the power switch and nothing else.
I was going to write a topic on Stradi and their applications with Allnic equipment. While I am uncertain if the 300B reviewed above is their latest version recently released, I know the 300B was refined and I would agree this tube competes well with Takatsuki. Modern Western Electric 300B had issues with Allnic equipment UNTIL Q3 2024 WE tube production. This issue has since been resolved and feedback is universally favorable with Allnic owners. Stradi’s innovation in the last few years has been rapid succession and these are some of the best modern production tubes I have heard. They have been willing to manufacture necessary tubes for Allnic’s legacy equipment: HL2, rs242, 3A/109E, 5U4G and 300B.

The 5U4G is better than the OSRAM/MARCONI U52 - more crisp sound, but retain all the qualities I appreciate in U52. Across the board, these tubes are remarkable.

HL2 and 3A/109: Stradi makes the best version I have heard. These tubes are prone to be microphonic and the Stradi versions are consistently stable, making the H-8000 DHT, A-5000 DHT and L-8000 DHT models user friendly.

Note: Stradi is factory direct purchase only. Kevalin Audio and Allnic have no financial affiliation. Kevalin Audio does not sell Stradi tubes.
Just wondering what issues the modern WE 300b tubes and the Allnic equipment were having when used together? Was the problem remedied by Allnic or WE, sounds like it was a tube issue?
Very interesting.
I would love to try them out (the 300Bs), however, I want to resolve the issues I have with the new production WE 300B before purchasing these.
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I received the Stradi 5U4G, and after spending a week with it, I can safely say that it is a Masterpiece. Let me explain.

I have compared it to the WE422a, the GEC U52, the Cossor 53KU, and Elrog 5U4G. I used in my 300B amplifier, not in the Lampizator Golden Gate 3 dac. Reason, in the Golden Gate dac 2A rectifiers like WE274B and Elrog 274B sound better than the 3A rectifiers. That being said, in the DAC I use the Telefunken RGN2004 mesh plate with the Takacs adapters.

Both the WE422a and GEC U52 sound airy, spacious, delicate, natural and open. Once you press play, you just relax and enjoy the beautiful music. The music flows with these tubes. They excel with the horizontal line of music (melody). More lyrical compared to dramatic. Great soundstage, very airy. All instruments are projected in one big open space. Very detailed, but naturally detailed. It is all there, but not as obvious as some other rectifiers. However, they have one major shortcoming and that is the ability to deal with complex passages.

Enter ELROG 5U4G: Very detailed but with great tone. Absolutely not etched or sharp. Normally tubes with great full tone are warm and a bit slow sounding. The Cossor 53KU is such a tube. Not this one. It sounds open and clear. Has good bass, and handles complex passages in music wonderfully. I love it, but it is a different type of sound than both WE422a and GEC U52. It does not have that seductive natural flow, it is less lyrical (melody) but more dramatic (harmony). Able to dissect all the individual instruments in a composition.

Then the Stradi 5U4G arrives and it does, what I did not expect both melody and harmony extremely well and then some. It has the natural flow of the GEC and WE, it is delicate and elegant and sounds very open, but it is in complete control during complex passages in music. It is exceptionally detailed with pinpoint imaging similar to Elrog 5U4G. And it betters all of them in bass control and dynamics. It has incredible detail in de bass, with punch. It is lightning fast and in control.

What more is there to say, They nailed this one. The Straditube 5U4G is firmly locked in my amplifier.
what I did not expect both melody and harmony extremely well and then some.

This is similar to what I wrote in a text message to a buddy of mine describing what I was hearing.

When it comes to bass things tend to lean one way or another. Quick-tight-precise or slow-full-fat. Explosion vs Distant rumbling thunder (not the close thunder with a sharp crack). The Stradi 5U4G seems to take on both these at the same time and do a marvelous job at them.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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