The best Dipoles, Dipoles that can do bass?

The only driver the same in the 20.7s compared to the 30.7s is the ribbon tweeter.all other drivers are new and better than 20.7s including the xover.
Better at least for the fact you can use better amplifiers with the Alsyvox.
I think that just depends on how you spec your Apogees (if you can talk Graz into doing a neodymium build).

That's it, really. I strongly believe it's very largely down to construction quality/materials used as I have been a believer in it and direct witness to it over time.
I think that just depends on how you spec your Apogees (if you can talk Graz into doing a neodymium build).

That's it, really. I strongly believe it's very largely down to construction quality/materials used as I have been a believer in it and direct witness to it over time.
Ok, you are talking about Neo-Apogees, which can have highish sensitivity (I heard his Neo-Scintilla, which had 94-95db but with still a low 2.5 ohm impedance :(). The strength and rigidity of the frames makes a significant difference in the bass.
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There's two pairs of Synergy's in the UK Ked and I tried to hear. Never managed it, though I have met both owners.

Definitive was Neo. Graz ran them off 4 19 Watt tube amps for a while. I wonder what a neo-Duetta at 4 Ohms would do.

Non-MDF bass clamps (copolymer) make a great bass upgrade, on top of rigidity.
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I can honestly tell you I get deep and powerful bass on my 30.7s.the big panel is not just for looks.I don’t know what ears you got but it doesn’t sound good. My friends have loved the sound of my Maggie’s and I haven’t heard a better speaker.
What music do you listen to?
Hmm. None of those genres really have deep bass ime. Definitely no sub-bass
So the 30.7's roll off at 25hz?
My room can be energised by my system's bass at 14hz
My apologies, i wasn't meaning to belittle your system.
I just don't consider speakers that roll off at 25hz to be full range. It's a philosophical decision made by certain manufacturers resulting in speakers that censor your programme material. I am aware this is a generational issue, but for me this is unacceptable.
The majority of music i buy and listen to, such as deep house, trip hop, drum and bass, are driven by the lower frequencies. The sooner the gatekeepers that dictate 'there is no bass below organ music' shuffle off into retirement the better, as far as i am concerned.
The world has moved on.
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My apologies, i wasn't meaning to belittle your system.
I just don't consider speakers that roll off at 25hz to be full range. It's a philosophical decision made by certain manufacturers resulting in speakers that censor your programme material. I am aware this is a generational issue, but for me this is unacceptable.
The majority of music i buy and listen to, such as deep house, trip hop, drum and bass, are driven by the lower frequencies. The sooner the gatekeepers that dictate 'there is no bass below organ music' shuffle off into retirement the better, as far as i am concerned.
The world has moved on.
No worries. Theres very little music with bass below 25hz.
That may be true of your preferred genres, but more widely is fundamentally untrue.
Hip hop, r&b, electronica, house music all depend on the lowest frequencies- they provide the weight and 'fear factor'.
In the past manufacturers might get away with pretending this not to be the case, but nowadays that would get you laughed at when you audition a supposedly full range domestic system to someone familiar with how their music should sound in a club, or over a decent car stereo. As i said before, it's a generational issue
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IMHO no full range planar can get anywhere near the dynamics, volume levels and chest thumping bass approached by the best dance club systems.

AG Trios with three bass horns can approach it.

Large Wilson's can do an OK job too. Most people are probably unaware of how loud Wilson's can go without apparent stress.
IMHO no full range planar can get anywhere near the dynamics, volume levels and chest thumping bass approached by the best dance club systems.

AG Trios with three bass horns can approach it.

Large Wilson's can do an OK job too. Most people are probably unaware of how loud Wilson's can go without apparent stress.
Yes agree. I use electrovoice mth1 pro speakers in between two pairs of klipsch la scala speakers with 2 15 inch subwoofers . This system has serious slam and dynamics with very deep and powerful bass.

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