I understand what you said. And of course this is General Cinema Discussion thread, and we are among some very intelligent people ...
But comes a time in life, like now, I believe, where people have to speak their heart for better peace in our world. And to not speak out is to encourage more acts like this one from very early this morning. IMHO
If the gun's laws haven't changed in America it is because of some very specific reasons.
But it ain't just about guns; it goes much deeper into the very heart of America, and the whole world today.
[ ...................................... This space here would have some serious reflections on this entire 'guns deals' in the world, ........................... and not just in America. ..............................]
This movie; 'The Dark Knight Rises', just the title, for some people, young ones, even bright people, could be totally misinterpreted as their own life's direction! ...In America many people don't see the difference between fiction (Hollywood) and reality. I think.
The films that are showing in our cinemas are caricatures; hero cartoons. They are the ones that are making big money, for the last 10 years or so. The shows that are showing on TVs and making big money are faked so called "reality TV".
And many many many more very bad shows. And I'm not even talking about all the violence in video games!
TV and Cinema are huge forms of education. They are some of the most powerful tools used by some of the highest ranked people in our societies. 'High ranked' in the ladder of greed, corruption, false advertising, profit, deception, fraud, even crime!
The good stuff like the Knowledge Network, National Geographic, and other smart and educative and beneficial studies for the viewers, and the musical live events too, like Classical Operas, are viewed by a much smaller segment of the viewing societies, I strongly believe, and I am ready to bet big number on that.
Now, you can oppose to what I just said; it's your right.
And you can also express your own viewpoint on the latest events regarding this movie, 'The Dark Knight Rises'.
Because, you see Amir, that young bright 24 years old student in Neuroscience, was acting like the 'Joker' from the Batman movies! ...The more we learn the more that what we think is not related, is!
Do we have to be stuck with banality in life, or can we try to make a difference for the best?
I take full responsability myself.
Highest regards,
P.S. Personally, I will see this flick big time when released on Blu,
because I love the latest Batman franchise from Chris Nolan.
And I bet it looks awesome on a big IMAX screen.
{But ouf! my heart is so broken right now; all these people dead, and the seriously injured.}