The female perspective


WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Metro DC
From time to time, I run across an audiophile review conducted by a female. I think it would be great to start a thread to post some of the videos. I found this one to be interesting. She did not respond to my invitation to join WBF. Perhaps she might respond to Steve or Ron.
Feel free to post your find.
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I watched her video. In my opinion she shows great discernment in turning down your invitation. Right now she’s having fun. Why spoil it?

She would be eaten alive here.
J don't think she turned me down
More like she ghosted me

The Kat Ourlian hosting of the Tony Faulkner presentation (linked above) is quite good. Tony has been the recording engineer on several thousand orchestral works, including many conducted by Sir Colin Davis.

We argue and speculate all the time here about recording and recordings. Mr Faulkner addresses a lot of our favorite controversies. It is worth the 40 minutes to hear him out.
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She probably didn't have the million dollar retainer required to join the audiophile Country Club.
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If I were her, I would ignore the invite. WBF is a very informative site but it does, like all public forums, have its ugly, insulting and childish moments.
If I were her, I would ignore the invite. WBF is a very informative site but it does, like all public forums, have its ugly, insulting and childish moments.

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