I think Mr.Day just used the listening window thing as a trojan horse while actual key message is great sound has been there long in the past and we don't need to follow the high end industry to get it.
There is no need to keep chasing the big yellow bus all the time. Newer doesn’t necessarily mean better. Updated revisions do not always signify an upgrade. A few examples of this that come to mind is Spectral changing it’s models’ designations because of parts obsolescence or that the Lamm ML2 was the best version in the series. Manufacturers have to release new products as part of their business model and for their survival; and there are those customers for which this business and marketing scheme works and keeps them on the merry-go-round. Good equipment and good sound has been around for a long time and other than vanity and pride in ownership most systems do not need to stay current, unless of course you want to have the latest and “greatest” or are trying to keep up with the Jones’s.
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