The album I've been enjoying the most lately is "Legacy" from a Belgian band called Hypnos 69. Here is my hype from when it arrived at Casa Laser's Edge:
Stunning new album from this interesting Belgian band. Hypnos 69 tend to morph their sound from album to album. Earlier albums have touched on stoner rock, space rock, pure psych...but all have a 70s progressive imprint. The quartet consists of guitar, keys, winds, brass, and percussion (and vocals of course). Legacy is a straight on homage to 70s progressive rock. The flute and sax work of Steven Marx sounds so much like Ian McDonald on ITCOTCK that its scary. Mellotron, Moogs, Hammonds are here in spades and leader Steve Houtmeyers guitar leads will rip your speakers apart. On the track "The Empty Hourglass", Marx' winds follow the melody of Chris Squire's "The Fish" (or perhaps I'm imagining it). Everyone in the band plays keys so I can't pick out who it is but someone has nailed Tony Banks circa ATOTT. Epic length tracks through out. The sounds of the 70s will ooze from your speakers. If you dig early King Crimson and Genesis you need to check this disc out. It blew me away on first listen and may well achieve masterpiece status.