IMO its more important for the reader to know the components involved rather than some arbitrary A/B/C class rating that has no consensus. The information is valuable for better context only if the reader is familiar with the associated equipment otherwise its not going to be helpful either way.
That; it is an experienced reader who can make a fair assessment of the reviewer under review about the gear he his reviewing and knowing the music material being played.
The more he knows about all the gear with real first hand experience in a familiar room the better equipped he is in making the right call.
Me I am not that guy; I just keep reading the reviews and thinking to myself what a wonderful job they have. Besides who have tested all the newest gear being released every month after month out there? So we need reviewers to do that job for us and rely on them. That's how most audiophiles buy their gear, from professional reviewers they fully trust and then making the research about who built that gear; just like investing in the stock market by researching the companies that are reliably worth investing in and integrity sound.
And reading the comments from the members here opens broader horizons in the undercurrents.
The one with the best system and room must know how to lead. He's been there, and around.
There are members here who are not pro reviewers and they should. On the other hand there are pro reviewers who must be bored by now.
Audio is a constant evolution with new remastered music that we all thought we were familiar with until the revelations surfaced from new techniques allowing the music to see a brand new day.
? It's all in the awareness of the reader; because the reviewer is just doing his job with what he has and don't have, with what he write and don't write.
Us we just read the words he used to describe, we look @ the measurements done by one guy in a room with his measuring gear and mike.
If we are unfamiliar with the reviewer, and the gear; then it's like reading Fortune magazine and looking @ the fashion adds. For a guy like me that's all she wrote. So I jump @ the end, where the music reviews are. After being entertained by the reviews I just read, sometimes with a smile on my face and other times with disbelief and awe.
Who started this thread? ...And what about the reader's own listening system who is reading the reviewer's system review?
Another good subject for another thread: How to evaluate an audio reviewer with an objective perspective. ...That could also be well branching in.