I'm curious about the perspective here, or 'things in perspective'.
I use digital, not because I particularly think it is superior, or that vinyl is inferior, it's just the path in the road I happened to take, for better or worse. (well, like a few I guess I straddled the great divide, had a few hundred LPs but fell out of audio due to life factors, ended up selling the LPs at one stage...a lot of you know the story...)
First off, let's go to basics. A person can only form a preference IF he has been exposed to both. So on that front, I'm curious, when someone says 'I can't abide digital for more than five minutes', would that be true in an ultimate sense if he had never heard vinyl?? (genuine question...., for example would that person NOT be an audiophile if he was magically born say one hundred years from now and no vinyl existed and say digital was at the current state?) In other words, is his 'anti digital stance' an intrinsic thing, that digital truly 'hurts his ears and is genuinely unlistenable', or is it simply that he vastly prefers vinyl after hearing both?
I do get the idea that this forum is kind of the creme de la creme, although there are a scattering of more modest systems here, equally there seems to be the real enthusiasts if you will. Price no object kind of stuff. (it's hard to avoid generalities eh)
I love my system and I love my music, but even tho to the average joe on the street I have spent ridiculous amounts of money on my system, it is just a drop in the bucket of most of the main protagonists in this thread (and somehow even if I had the disposable I doubt I'd spend more). So it's 'what are we talking here??'
Sure, if you have the means and the desire, you CAN spend 'x' amount of dollars for that 0.5%, and it would be worth it to you.
So when the discussion talks about vinyl 'smoking' digital, what sort of levels are we talking?? (eg, 'budget TT will kill even the best digital' or 'digital beats vinyl until we hit point 'x' etc etc)
And curious too, a lot of you talk about R2R being even better than anything, that would be even more esoteric would it not?? Both the hardware and the software??
Hope that made sense, just trying to get it into perspective, or at least find out your perspective.
Boiling it down to a basic question (have NO agenda here, my path is set and not willing to spend money on an entirely different set of hardware and software) is it true (or not true) that to 'exceed' digital you need to spend more?? In your opinion of course.
Funny how often the discussion comes down to the quality of the recording no matter the format.
Maybe THAT is the biggest hurdle in high end audio? (and something we, apart from petitions, have no control over)