The stench that is the NCAA

Were you drunk when you wrote all of this crap? I hope so because at least that will give you an excuse for offending people.

First I don't drink!

Second, that's what I got from those American medias!

Third, my emotions run very high!

And last, don't you dare judge my emotions! ...And the truth!

* The only people who are offended are the true criminals, not the innocents.
Some of you guys here (2) would rather see the blind side of life instead of the real truth!
Don't blame the messenger, blame yourself for ignoring the truth.
What you know is not the ultimate truth; there are other people living on this planet who have seen and experienced the true devil first hand!
First I don't drink!

Second, that's what I got from those American medias!

Third, my emotions run very high!

And last, don't you dare judge my emotions! ...And the truth!

* The only people who are offended are the true criminals, not the innocents.
Some of you guys here (2) would rather see the blind side of life instead of the real truth!
Don't blame the messenger, blame yourself for ignoring the truth.
What you know is not the ultimate truth; there are other people living on this planet who have seen and experienced the true devil first hand!

When you are quoting other sources, you need to make it clear you are quoting other sources. Otherwise it appears that you are trying to take credit for the words that appear above your signature tag line. I don’t take kindly to people making fun of the intellect of American people anymore than you would appreciate it if I said all Canadian people are sharp as bowling balls. And speaking of the devil, you do a fine imitation of speaking in tongues. It’s nonsensical babble dressed up as poetry which I thought was fueled by liquor. You had previously blamed your rant against Frank on drinking two bottles of wine and now you are a non-drinker? Hmm…
Mep, when you talk like in your above post, then it's good, you are making some precisions in your discussion and comments.

I am a huge communicator, and I express my ideas and emotions freely.
And that sometimes invites for further and more elaborate discussions, which is always good.

I do my best to reveal my emotions, and they are directly related to the news media,
and from my own experiences and the ones of some of my own friends.

* As for the two bottle of wines (Argentina) enumerated in my exchange with Frank recently,
that was simply a figure of speech. And I don't have any rant whatsoever against Frank, to the contrary, I respect him dearly and I let him know too via PM before, with my full support. I think you just assumed, but wrongly indeed.

I stopped drinking a long time ago; I only drink on occasions with friends and family over a good meal or some' like that (Christmas...). And we're talking reason here, not drunkenness.

NEVER I would drink while posting, NEVER!

And Mep, I don't have anything against no one anywhere from any regions of the world.
But I am extremely sensitive to those who brake the laws of values!
And here in particular, the raping of our own children!
And with it comes a large baggage indeed...

Right now, on the Canadian and American news media, there are several reportages on child abuse, the Catholic church, the Boy Scouts organisations of North America (Canada and USA); and Bob (me) is watching with a very close eye!

That entire Penn State University Sport Education thing brings back a lot of memories and sour emotions from the past!
And it is extremely important that we protect our children from those predators!
And forums like these were we discuss and exchange our own experiences are the first open doors for a world we aspire to live in harmony, dignity, respect and normality.

Mep, it seems you are judging me quite fast from your own emotions running high yourself.
But don't, because the people you should judge and blame are the ones committing those atrocious crimes, not me!

If something about what I say or said doesn't ring 'right' with you; I'm wide open to discuss it with you with full intelligence and respect.
It's not you that I was referring to in my prior post, but to all those who abuse children!
And if our leaders are more concerned to gain their elections and bank accounts and prestige in the eyes of others; then they don't help for one single bit in improving life in our planet!

I hope you understand more now where I'm coming from in this very serious issue.
It runs very deep inside my heart and entire person...

Best regards,
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Bob makes excellent points, and the biggy is IMO, every time you or I walk away or turn a blind eye to a wrongdoing, we are enabling that behavior.

I had to turn in my indirect boss to the big boss for stealing from the organization. The end result was that I had a downgraded evaluation and the big boss simply told the indirect boss not to do it anymore.

I was not the only one who knew what was going on, my equals and subordinates had all heard it, in fact a subordinate of another had notified me. I took action after deliberating for a day and realizing the possible consequences to my "career" which probably were far reaching over time and cost me a lot of money.

But by damn, doing that reinforced in me what I was all about. And lucky for me I married a woman with the same outlook.

Also, doing the right thing brings one a huge dose of self respect, and makes you less likely to wimp out as each future wrong comes your way to deal with.

What Bob is saying is that doing nothing enables these perverts. The perverts need help and need to be identified so they do not screw up other folks lives.


That's absolutely true as my gf turned in a group of students that were cheating in grad school and the admin tried to throw her out of school instead. She had to go to court to stay in school and of course they made her matriculation a living hell.

OTOH, when it comes to children who are vulnerable, esp. with these kids the foundation was founded to help, is despicable. Sandusky appears to have created a ready made network for himself. And of course, the other question that hasn't been asked is if Sandusky had other pedophile friends in on the action :(

But I guess in the end, you have to live with yourself.
I can’t separate what Bob wrote vs. what he cut and pasted. And sure, anytime you stand up for “truth, justice, and the American way,” you are a hero and that makes for “good points” when you state the obvious. However, I’m not the only one that took exception when Bob started taking pot shots at the intelligence of Americans.

With regards to pedophiles, you are never going to “fix” them. There is no cure. Given the chance and the means, they will never stop molesting children. Once they have been caught, sentenced, and thy have completed their jail time, all you can do is keep them identified, segregated, and under surveillance. Unfortunately, our criminal justice system is so over-taxed that we’re not good with all three. Many cities have a web site that you can type in your address and it will show you all of the convicted sex offenders that live in your neighborhood or in close proximity. You might be surprised.
Mep, let me be very clear here.

America is a mess regarding education! It is the most powerful country in the entire world, but is highly deficient on education.
I don't make that up, just read all over about it!

And not only that, but the entire education system is in jeopardy because of the teaching system by the teachers themselves.
Are you aware of that?

I'm not talking about all the Americans, or Canadians, or Germans, or Europeans, or Italians, or Mexicans, or Africans, or any other country of the world that includes all the people; here I'm talking about what's making the big news right now in the USA.

There is nothing offensive about that; it's simply a true reality.

You're taking the stance of one who thinks that I offended others...
Wake up Mep, and face the facts as they are, and not distorting them by crying "offense"!


I'm done here; just one or two people having that kind of mentality towards me is enough to not wanting discuss any further.
I am the most peaceful person, and I like to grow up with true wisdom and truth.

And I told you before; be respectuous and speak your issues with friendly discussion.

"...Crap, pot shots..." I got enough of those kind of attacks on me that are based on totally wrong impulses from your part. You are the one who take an offensive attitude by your defensive emotional disturbance created by your own false state-of-mind.

But that's OK, I still have respect for you, and give you time to reconsider.
Bob-Please tell me what part of the original post you wrote and which parts you cut and pasted before I comment any further on what I think of *your* post.
Mep, my entire post was directly related to a mix of news media and the resulting conclusion of my calculated thoughts.

You already told me that you took offense because you thought that I offended the "American intelligence", which I did NOT! Only you, came to that false conclusion. And one more member approved your emotion, your misunderstood sensitivity (no need to name him).

General Colin Powell just had an interview few days ago, and there was another major TV fact program, and in Canada they also have some special shows on education, and the latest on Penn State University.
And the statistics showed that in America, less than 50 percent of the students finished high school.
And that even less than that don't get the passing grades!
And there are also the cheaters!
Powell mentioned about the big lack of education in America. ...With real facts, true statistics...

Mep, what is it that you don't understand with that?

* Did you look at the Republicans doing their debates on TV?
What are you truly learning from it?

Mep, sexual child abuse is a combination of many things, and education (at home and at school) is a big part of it!
Without the proper information and real education, things like Penn State's total decadence and lack of real values like protection of our own children by all those people involved, is extremely disturbing indeed!

Sports are big in America, football is huge, Hollywood is huge too, basketball, golf, baseball, etc., and look at all those scandals!
Look at the politicians; Clinton, Bush gang, Truman, Kennedy (I bet you don't know the full story yet), it's just a big mess!
Look at all the lies regarding wars! Look at all the manipulation by Wall Street! Look at where America is right now!

Mep, I just can keep on going and going, and about all the other countries of the world as well.
But America is the examplary foundation where it all started and influenced the entire world!
There are excellent 'citoyens' (citizens) in America, but they seem to be superseded by the bad ones sometimes more often than not...

Am I free to have my own personal opinion and to share it with others?
Am I free to be a peaceful person, and to react to what's happening around me?
Am I free to be a soldier and serve my country? ...A soldier of Peace.

I can write an encyclopedia about the world history and all that I learned...
But I won't!

This thread is about the possible damage from the NCAA, and way more...
And all what Bob is doin' is to tell the version that he learned from you guys; from your news announcers (anchors), from youtube, from CNN, from the world, from the great Americans, from the best leaders, and simply from your own territory.

Are you proud to be an American? I sure hope so because that's the only way to remain positive about the future. It is the responsability of each one of you to be alert and build a better world!

Personally I don't believe in cults, in most politicians and stock traders, in material possessions, in insurance companies, in oil companies, in financial institutions, in Wall Street, in the justice system in America, in the lawyers, in the prosecutors, in several systems based mostly on financial gains!

And when all that stuff doesn't go well, the economy suffers, the people suffers, and those kind of news finally get exposed. So, in a way, it gives you guys time to reflect.
And us too Canadians we reflect on our own issues; and we too have some very sick ones! ...Remember that Colonel Russell Williams for example? ...

Mep, you're the one asking me to talk and talk my own talk, so here you have it, just a small fragment of it, and it's my honest opinion based on what I learned and also experienced in my own life.

Is it too much for asking respect? Because for me it ain't "Crap" , and it ain't "Pot Shots at the intelligence of Americans". Gotdat?
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Bob-You still haven't answered the simple question I asked you. How much of your original post (if any) did you write? If you wrote any of it, I want to know what parts they were. Then and only then will I have anymore comments on your original post. As far as respect goes, it's something that has to be earned-it's not an entitlement.
Bob-You still haven't answered the simple question I asked you. How much of your original post (if any) did you write? If you wrote any of it, I want to know what parts they were. Then and only then will I have anymore comments on your original post. As far as respect goes, it's something that has to be earned-it's not an entitlement.

If you are not satisfy with my previous post; it is clear to me that you are looking for some sort of disharmony. And on that you are on your own!

And with what you are stubbornly saying that I didn't answer your question; do you really think you are my judge here? Get a grip man!

Just let it go now, that's enough as we're still 'civil'. I feel harassed by you, and it is totally uncalled for.
End of the discussion between you and I on this subject!
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Wow! I ask you a simple question that you won't answer and now I'm harrassing you? Let me give you some advice. If you post something on this forum and you didn't write it, you need to let people know that you are quoting someone else. Otherwise it appears that it is you writing those words.
I will stay away from sensitive subjects like this because emotions are simply running too high,
and in particular my own.

I can clearly see that my words were misinterpreted and that a sensitive chord was struck.

Sorry for not having been clear, or that my message didn't get across.

Tim, I am pure French, with Irish and Indian blood. French is my native tongue.

Mark, sorry for not having been more explicit.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to take a break.

Quite should both take a break as nothing good will come of it.

I'm all for closure of this thread.......anyone else?
I will stay away from sensitive subjects like this because emotions are simply running too high,
and in particular my own.

I can clearly see that my words were misinterpreted and that a sensitive chord was struck.

Sorry for not having been clear, or that my message didn't get across.

Tim, I am pure French, with Irish and Indian blood. French is my native tongue.

Mark, sorry for not having been more explicit.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to take a break.


Bob, my apologies. I thought better of that post and deleted it. Evidently not soon enough.

The question is, to me, when you or I are next confronted by something bad, do we walk away, take action, or pass the buck....

Choices, choices....


Let's put it another way. If McCreary saw his son or nephew or cousin getting buggered in the shower, do you think he would have walked away? Then it's no different for anyone else!
Let's put it another way. If McCreary saw his son or nephew or cousin getting buggered in the shower, do you think he would have walked away? Then it's no different for anyone else!

This is a part of the story that baffles me and has been under-reported. At the time, McCreary was a 26 year-old ex-football player and (allowing him a moment of shock and disbelief) why was his natural instinct to walk away and call his daddy instead of intervening and beating the crap of the 60 year old perv? Really a sad metaphor for our society's infantilization of adulthood.
This is a part of the story that baffles me and has been under-reported. At the time, McCreary was a 26 year-old ex-football player and (allowing him a moment of shock and disbelief) why was his natural instinct to walk away and call his daddy instead of intervening and beating the crap of the 60 year old perv? Really a sad metaphor for our society's infantilization of adulthood.

So the story deepens. According to an email from McCreary, he did stop them in the act. So much for that lame ass Sandusky interview with Costas. What is a 50 or 60 you guy doing covorting with a ten yo???? :( Sounds a lot like the Michael Jackson saga :( And now the NYT claims there are 10 more boys/men who have come forward :(
I bet the real numbers of victims are closer to 100 over all the years he has been "horsing around" than they are to 10-20. It's a sad reality, but any man who wants to spend an inordinate amount of time with other people's kids needs to be looked at closely. There's a reason the Boy Scouts had to make a rule that no Scout Leader could sleep in a tent with a child that wasn't his.

And furthermore, if you go to a daycare center to drop off your child and a man answers the door, you probably best grab your child, run back to your car and peel rubber out of the driveway and down the street. Those little girl beauty pageants they have that I think should be illegal? Any man sitting in the audience and doesn't have a child in the pageant should probably be cuffed and hauled out of there on the spot. Those beauty pageants are custom made for pedophiles.
Let's put it another way. If McCreary saw his son or nephew or cousin getting buggered in the shower, do you think he would have walked away? Then it's no different for anyone else!

Sadly many cases come to court where relatives have done just that.

What of the dead prosecutor with the missing computer who was investigating the case?

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