Thank you for explaining.
There is a third possibility: that sounds from systems composed of currently produced components hastily set-up by dealers in mostly similar rooms exhibit less variance in sound than do systems composed of a mix of currently produced and not currently produced components meticulously set-up by hobbyists in dissimilar rooms in homes.
Certainly. You are welcome.
I have been to shows before and have heard a big range of sounds. I presume those shows had the same challenges that you describe here. This is what I referenced when answering your earlier questions about my judgement. I guess my question to you, Ron, is this: Does your video reflect, in your opinion, more or less, the sounds of the various systems, or does it not? If some more than others, why?
There was a time when I viewed videos thinking that the video more or less represents the sound of the system being captured on it. But having read this thread and others, there seem now to be all sorts of qualifications out there, from your Shure mic being better than the crappy iPhone mic, inches of mic position making a difference (why I asked about your set up), differences between phone models etc. It would be helpful to me if you commented, even briefly, about your opinion of the video compared to what you heard live. All I have is your video. You were there and did us all the service of making the video and sharing it on your WBF video channel. What are your thoughts about how well it captures what you heard?
Maybe people enjoy the montage/survey of the roughly 44 songs you recorded for the visuals and have no interest in discussing the sound it captures. That is fine too, but it is out there, and I am curious. As I wrote, I liked the "Spinning Wheel" song and the way it sounded. It stood out to me as being a bit more alive sounding.
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