Sbnx, all sounds good. In all my various directions/opinions, a good room was the one I was most skeptical about (especially since a number of so-called good rooms are treated to the point of deadness). And now I've done the most serious 180 on my previously held views.
Hi y'all, just a little light hearted thread. I tend to pontificate a bit about my journey, but since I've made some wrong assumptions, and taken some obvious things for granted, when I get it right despite previous left turns, I'm always particularly relieved.
My craziest purchase that remains at home an un-finished is an EMT narrow body that i took apart to re-spray then lost my notes... I just can't bring myself round to selling it. I've not made a huge amount of bad errors except buying an EMT TSD15 thinking I could get it re-tipped at a modest cost.
So I guess my sin is the odd crazy second hand purchases - i'm like the idiot that bought a nan bread on ebay for thousands coz it apparently resembled Jesus.
My net thing is unfinished/badly executed DIY - speakers (i learnt that the manufacturers do know what they are doing) - same with cables - and turntable plinths as well
Anyway i live on the border of essex and own a flat in essex and as such we love to tinker and modify!