Transparency vs "Symphonic coloration" in modern DAC gear.

Because Bruce has a Golden Gate DAC at his disposal. And it's a super popular DAC that adds color to enhance listening pleasure. Perfect candidate.

But rather than thread crap on the golden gate thread, post it as a separate thread. It has no value to a golden gate owner. The only person who would be interested is someone wanting to record.
In order for this to work you need to have gear good enough for the task. I'm not talking about measurements here. But you'll usually find that these components measure very well.

Sorry Blizz. None of what you wrote here makes any sense in relation to my question.
But rather than thread crap on the golden gate thread, post it as a separate thread. It has no value to a golden gate owner. The only person who would be interested is someone wanting to record.

If anything, wanting to emulate the sound of the GG is a complement towards it. Who wants to emulate the sound of poor sounding gear?
If anything, wanting to emulate the sound of the GG is a complement towards it. Who wants to emulate the sound of poor sounding gear?

But that isn't what you are insinuating. You are essentially saying that you think that deliberately coloured audio gear is crap and that everything should be measurably transparent and then you can add whatever flavour you want in digital domain. So it is not complementary but derogatory.
Sorry Blizz. None of what you wrote here makes any sense in relation to my question.

I guess I read it too fast. This emulation software is still in development. But even once it's ready, you'll need a very good ADC like the Hapi to take measurement sweeps via the analog outputs of whatever gear your trying to emulate. The DAC used also has to be very good and completely transparent. But the theory can be tested today by simply recording a track via the same analog outs into DSD 256. This will be a good test to see if the gear your using is fit for the task.
Blizz - please would you send me one of these marvellous digital filters - does is come as a FIR filter? I am happy to convolve it and send to my oppo to become an airforce 1 - I would be delighted in fact.
But that isn't what you are insinuating. You are essentially saying that you think that deliberately coloured audio gear is crap and that everything should be measurably transparent and then you can add whatever flavour you want in digital domain. So it is not complementary but derogatory.

I'm not at all saying its crap. Some people like the sound. What I'm saying is it can be emulated and played back retaining the same sonic signature on highly transparent SS gear.
I guess I read it too fast. This emulation software is still in development. But even once it's ready, you'll need a very good ADC like the Hapi to take measurement sweeps via the analog outputs of whatever gear your trying to emulate. The DAC used also has to be very good and completely transparent. But the theory can be tested today by simply recording a track via the same analog outs into DSD 256. This will be a good test to see if the gear your using is fit for the task.

Like I keep saying - my oppo DAC is measurably transparent. My Focusrite AD will be sufficient I am sure. If not, my Tascam will do but not got it yet.
Blizz - please would you send me one of these marvellous digital filters - does is come as a FIR filter? I am happy to convolve it and send to my oppo to become an airforce 1 - I would be delighted in fact.

I highly doubt the Oppo will be up for the task. But you can try if you can get a hold of a copy as well as the gear for measurement once released.
Like I keep saying - my oppo DAC is measurably transparent. My Focusrite AD will be sufficient I am sure. If not, my Tascam will do but not got it yet.

Well the true test for transparency will be to try with these DAC's, and compare to direct from the units your trying to emulate. If you can tell them apart, the DAC's aren't cut out for the task.
I'm not at all saying its crap. Some people like the sound. What I'm saying is it can be emulated and played back retaining the same sonic signature on highly transparent SS gear.

But why emulate a Golden Gate when you can emulate a real to real UHA tape deck or a Rockport Sirius III.

Truth is - with current technology you can't. As Bruce put - there is a plethora of digital emulation products out there already but they don't sound anything like the source.

How does your emulation advance on what is out there?
I highly doubt the Oppo will be up for the task. But you can try if you can get a hold of a copy as well as the gear for measurement once released.

Just look at the measured spec on the Oppo. Show me one parameter that the human ear (according to audio science) could detect compared to your reference.
The whole funny thing is Blizz used the phrase Euphonic coloration, I tried to type it in and my phone autocorrected it to symphonic coloration, and Blizz now used it for the title of this thread.

Keith, thanks for posting that Weiss link, of the dac you sell
Well the true test for transparency will be to try with these DAC's, and compare to direct from the units your trying to emulate. If you can tell them apart, the DAC's aren't cut out for the task.

Ask a recording engineer whether his master tape is identical to his digital copy?
The whole funny thing is Blizz used the phrase Euphonic coloration, I tried to type it in and my phone autocorrected it to symphonic coloration, and Blizz now used it for the title of this thread.

Keith, thanks for posting that Weiss link, of the dac you sell


A local person here dumped his Weiss for a L6…and he is a proud Swiss.
Guys - I will politely bow out as this is going nowhere at all. I am still happy to receive a FIR filter if you would oblige me.
But why emulate a Golden Gate when you can emulate a real to real UHA tape deck or a Rockport Sirius III.

Truth is - with current technology you can't. As Bruce put - there is a plethora of digital emulation products out there already but they don't sound anything like the source.

Great question. If you have a Rockport at your disposal, go ahead and do it!

How does your emulation advance on what is out there?

Bruce is talking about the plethora of digital emulation products that are already out there. He's not talking about products he's never heard of that haven't been released yet.

Before this software is released, it will undergo blind testing. If Bruce wants to volunteer to be one of the blind testers, it can probably be arranged. He would love this software more than anyone. But still it's limited on the quality of the ADC and DAC. So this is assuming like many people say, the Hapi and Horus is indeed 100% transparent.

I don't recall saying this software was mine. I'm not a software engineer.
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Ask a recording engineer whether his master tape is identical to his digital copy?

This is where the whole premise breaks down. ADC are even less performing than DACs in general and every additional bloc in the chain degrades the signal…so there is no way the convoluted chain he proposes will better the original Dac output. This is why Bruce saw it as fool's errand.

I have no problem if Blizz said that upcoming sofware advance will make emulation better and perhaps even close enough to satify enough people. Just as how enough people like current SoTA class D so as to carve out a market. however to think there is anything near 100% transparency is just plain naive.

Blizz, this is all stuff I discussed with high end designer buddies 3 years ago. LoL

As to the Weiss article, I WARNED Daniel 3 years ago in the Zurich Show that the DSD wave was coming and he politely brushed me off. Did he sell a single Dac in 2013-2015? He got caught on the wrong side of the tidal wave and it can be a cruel place to be!

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