I'm going to throw a new contender into the mix.
The Acoustic Revive RTS-30 mat, just received from Japan.
I was planning a big comparo of Hexmat Eclipse v Origin Live Strata v Headquarters Audio QV v Acoustic Revive RTS-30, but tbh this mat has hit the ball out of the park, and I'm not minded at all to try the others, incl reassessment of the QV.
It's that good, and across all the parameters you'd want, plus a critical area that my TT was not showing at it's best, a certain metallic "ringiness" or borderline clanging character on piano concertos, especially hard percussive lines.
Tom nailed this character in his original description of the Trans Fi Reso Mat that I've been using for a decade (it's the stock option with my Salvation rim drive), calling it too "excitable".
The new Acoustic Revive mat has quietened or smoothed that edginess, with zero diminution of dynamics, treble energy, mids definition.
I'm very pleasantly surprised at just how much this mat brings without any downside at all as far as I can hear.