Vacuum tube amplifier kit


WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Metro DC
Walmart 269.00
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I don't need it. Should I build it just for fun?
I was looking at kits for design ideas instead of purchasing them. But it seems everyone does a similar thing with a box with the tubes sticking out.

The only plausible reason to buy one is to see if the transformers are not total junk and can be made into something sounding nice. I would assume its like the kits off ebay a few guys had me build up with nicer parts which actually turned out pretty well but I think they are not as nice as some of the other budget transformers like Edcor or Hammond. But if its like the ebay ones, then the chassis, transformers and hardware is the only stuff to keep and the caps, resistors, tubes and wire you replace with better items.

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