Vandersteen M7-HPA competition


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Can anything compete with these amps on Vandersteen 7 series speakers? I’m very intrigued with the much less expensive and highly regarded PS Audio BHK-600s, which I have not heard. On paper they seem like they’d work well - plenty of power and a somewhat similar topology insofar as they both have a tube input stage and a high power solid state output stage. Here are some differences I’m aware of: I know the M7-HPA has a unique output stage that puts the speaker in between output stages and eschews the emitter resistor, plus only has five parts in the signal path. The BHKs have a mosfet output stage and run class AB after a couple of watts or so. The BHK’s have tube rectification. I’m not sure about the M7-HPAs in that regard.

After having spent a lot of time with M5-HPAs, I’ve concluded that they are very, very good. Now I’m looking to employ more of that tube magic. I also feel that those 7” inch woofers need an iron grip to maximize the dynamic capabilities of my Model 7 Mark 2’s.
I would love to hear from anyone who has done this comparison or has heard other amps that can compete.
Unfortunately the only way to find out is to listen. I went from a pair of Ayre MX-Rs to the M7-HPAs and the sound improvement was huge. I do think there is a big difference between the M5 and the M7, especially for the Model 7s.
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Can anything compete with these amps on Vandersteen 7 series speakers? I’m very intrigued with the much less expensive and highly regarded PS Audio BHK-600s, which I have not heard. On paper they seem like they’d work well - plenty of power and a somewhat similar topology insofar as they both have a tube input stage and a high power solid state output stage. Here are some differences I’m aware of: I know the M7-HPA has a unique output stage that puts the speaker in between output stages and eschews the emitter resistor, plus only has five parts in the signal path. The BHKs have a mosfet output stage and run class AB after a couple of watts or so. The BHK’s have tube rectification. I’m not sure about the M7-HPAs in that regard.

After having spent a lot of time with M5-HPAs, I’ve concluded that they are very, very good. Now I’m looking to employ more of that tube magic. I also feel that those 7” inch woofers need an iron grip to maximize the dynamic capabilities of my Model 7 Mark 2’s.
I would love to hear from anyone who has done this comparison or has heard other amps that can compete.
Are you using the M5s now with Model 7 Mk2 and are thinking of upgrading amps? Just wanted to make sure I understand what you’re asking. It will probably be difficult to better the M7 as they are designed around the Model 7. I read on this forum where a member liked the Aesthetix Atlas amps with the 7s. Do you have a set of the high pass filters so you can audition any other amps?
Are you using the M5s now with Model 7 Mk2 and are thinking of upgrading amps? Just wanted to make sure I understand what you’re asking. It will probably be difficult to better the M7 as they are designed around the Model 7. I read on this forum where a member liked the Aesthetix Atlas amps with the 7s. Do you have a set of the high pass filters so you can audition any other amps?
Yes, I’m considering upgrading smps and I know I’d need the external filters, which I don’t have currently, if I want to try a different manufacturer.
The M7s have gone up in price pretty significantly over the past 5-7 years but you have to consider they include the HRS isolation tech as well as high quality AQ silver speaker cables. These are worth about $10K. I have the M5/Kentos and am planning an upgrade to M7/XTRM and have the same questions as you but there seem to be very few Vandersteen users on the forums with experience on the topic. Richard’s products still seem to be good value for the features and performance delivered. I always wonder why they get limited coverage in the audio press.
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