I figured I'd try these new footers out. They are a good deal at 4 for $200. They have several levels of vibration absorption and tuning.
They are difficult to place under heavy equipment, as the small cones will not stay in the upright direction until you get it just right. The brass point on the cone is VERY sharp, you can definitely draw blood with it. It will scratch the top plate of the footer as you try to get them upright. But once setup they feel very solid.
The footers have a bit of give if you put pressure under them, you can tell they are doing their job.
Sound quality is very good, with a top to bottom reduction of noise, very tight and tuneful bass, bass is turned up just a click (which is a good thing IMHO). Highs very clean and transparent, extended. Just a tiny touch of a metallic note on the top end, and I do mean tiny. I ended up with some small Ayre Myrtlewood blocks next to my preamp with the cones beneath, which is how I tend to like most footers. I like what the right wood does under components, reducing the 'electronicness' of the sound a bit. The Myrtlewood blocks opened up the midrange and treble, adding air and expanding soundstage, and wiping that metallic note away.
I was replacing some EVS Footers that had Gabon Ebony on top of them. They EVS are double the cost, and worth their price. Compared to the VBH-1 they sound just a bit muffled in the midrange, and lack a bit of the shimmer of the highs. Otherwise, they are very similar in sound.
So for $200, they are an excellent footer choice. Frankly, I think you'd have to spend about 3x or more to get a significant increase in performance.
VBH-1 (Vibration Black Hole)

They are difficult to place under heavy equipment, as the small cones will not stay in the upright direction until you get it just right. The brass point on the cone is VERY sharp, you can definitely draw blood with it. It will scratch the top plate of the footer as you try to get them upright. But once setup they feel very solid.
The footers have a bit of give if you put pressure under them, you can tell they are doing their job.
Sound quality is very good, with a top to bottom reduction of noise, very tight and tuneful bass, bass is turned up just a click (which is a good thing IMHO). Highs very clean and transparent, extended. Just a tiny touch of a metallic note on the top end, and I do mean tiny. I ended up with some small Ayre Myrtlewood blocks next to my preamp with the cones beneath, which is how I tend to like most footers. I like what the right wood does under components, reducing the 'electronicness' of the sound a bit. The Myrtlewood blocks opened up the midrange and treble, adding air and expanding soundstage, and wiping that metallic note away.
I was replacing some EVS Footers that had Gabon Ebony on top of them. They EVS are double the cost, and worth their price. Compared to the VBH-1 they sound just a bit muffled in the midrange, and lack a bit of the shimmer of the highs. Otherwise, they are very similar in sound.
So for $200, they are an excellent footer choice. Frankly, I think you'd have to spend about 3x or more to get a significant increase in performance.
VBH-1 (Vibration Black Hole)