
WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Metro DC
Vinnie Rossi L2i-SE Integrated Amplifier - The Absolute Sound
At last years' CAF I did not stay in the Tidal room for long. While I was thee the exhibitor and I agreed the speakers were making great sound as usual, He was however trying to bend my ear about the amplification. Something about hybrid DHT/Mosfet. I was more interested in DACS. These days amplification is an embarrassment of riches. If you have the scrilla, they have the solution, But, you know there was just a certain ease to the sound. If you get a chance you might want to give them a listen. They are reasonably price ,have reasonable power and lots of options. You can add a DAC, Phono or both. I think they are monoblocks available which is probably what I heard.
if I were a critic I would definitely request a review sample. Tas may have damned it with feint praise.
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