I'm using these terms in a very narrow sense and only because I can't come with a better visual description. Makeup in this narrative is a means of covering blemishes and make the face underneath more attractive than it is, more beautiful. Problem is it's always pretty and never comes off, some like that.
Face paint doesn't necessarily cover the whole face and it's not intended to cover up blemishes or necessarily be attractive. In this context face paint is more lines and stripe conveying an emotion through color and form but you still see the face beneath as it is, not modifying it to be something that it isn't. Of course in both scenarios extremes exist, think of them as a clown face and Kabuki makeup, but I wasn't alluding to these extremes that are obvious to everyone.
This question is more specific than discussing trends and I can answer it only based on my the cartridges I've spent time with. Yes they're part of a chain, system synergy comes into play as do many other variables but given proper setup you can hear a cartridge's character in different systems. Based on my experience this is how I would categorize mc cartridges. I only named a few outstanding ones because they deserve to be named, there's a bigger majority in other groups that we can lump together without naming for obvious reasons.
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Not inferring anything regarding mm cartridges, simply sampled too few and mostly vintage to form any real opinion so I wanted to separate them for now but there have been a couple that surprised me with their naturalness and neutrality. I can't tell you if it's a function of their design or just that they're not played through a stepup device, just need more time researching.