Washington Commanders

Does Washington Commanders harken too closely to Washington Generals...the fake team that always loses to the Harlem Globetrotters?
Freaking stupid.

As someone from actual Washington, I have to ask why they couldn’t have the decency to name themselves something like “D.C. _______”, if they’re so dead set on a change.
I think they should sell the rights to the team name the same way the do the stadium’s. That way the could be the Washington FedEx’ers…..
Freaking stupid.

As someone from actual Washington, I have to ask why they couldn’t have the decency to name themselves something like “D.C. _______”, if they’re so dead set on a change.
They desperately want to move to Virginia with a Dallas Cowboy type stadium. Virginia has avoided the temptation in the past.they would rather place that burden on more desperate jurisdictions.
The .move is probably inevitable even if Dan has to foot he bill himself. The subway is cpming. Land is available and relativelyy cheap. Moreover the laws are more business friendly. The lease on the current stadium will soon lapse.
The bigger problem is fan loyalty. Decades of incompetence has taken a toll on fan participation.
For years I sought season tickets. I was forced to depend on the kindness of friends to share their package with me.
I recently got a call offering me season tickets
It has been so long since I put my name on the list I wonder how they got my current phone number. I passed. Unheard of. Even if I did not want to attend the games I would have purchased the package and sold it a higher price.
I will always bleed burgundy and gold, but we we need a new owner.

Lol Salary caps.
Another example of incompetence.
Why did they not set up a contest and let the fans pick the name. The prize could have been season tickets.
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