Not that straightforward John, depending on the room there's all kinds of interactions going on. The DML design seems to be a dipole of sorts so I don't see how it won't interact with the room, also since they don't go below 80hz you'll need some kind of sub which will interact like any other speaker. Their strength seems to be in their relative sensitivity and lack of crossover not room interaction.
I found the full NXT document which explains how DMLs work - they are not conventional & don't produce conventional waveforms
They use the idea of bending waves where a sound travels through a solid producing resonances at distinct places. When you have a panel that is resonating (from a pistonic actuator attached to it) it is producing these resonances in distinct areas depending on the frequency of the sound. You will see that in the Youtube videos I linked to. This happens because the speed of the bending wave through the solid is frequency dependent & produces modal resonances. So what you see on the panel of DML speakers are these many areas of resonances, & these areas move around the panel & changing with frequency - all of which produces sound - but it's like there is a matrix of small speakers moving around this panel & outputting sound which is uncorrelated with each other. This collection of uncorrelated vibrating areas has the interesting property that when the sound combines in air we perceive it as a wavefront.
But the uncorrelated nature of these miniwaves actually has a great influence in how reflections are perceived because there is no correlated wave being reflected.
SO traditional ways of thinking about speakers & room interactions don't fully apply
I'll dig up that NXT document & post the link
Here it is - well worth a read - some great info in it
" in a randomly vibrating panel, diaphragm velocity is
randomly distributed with respect to magnitude and phase. The disparity in
path length between different areas of the diaphragm and the receiving point
is still present, but because there is now no correlation between the source
points’ outputs, there can be no global interference figure B1. Hence the
radiated sound is dispersed evenly in all directions. Diffuse radiation of high
order figure B2 becomes omnidirectional in the far field."
"Anyone familiar with the sound of conventional omnidirectional or near-omnidirectional
loudspeakers might expect NXT panels to produce a relatively imprecise, smeared
stereo image. But in typical domestic surroundings the imaging is at least as well
defined and stable as with conventional directional loudspeakers listened to from the
stereo ‘sweet spot’, despite the panels’ broad radiation pattern. This is because their
diffusivity reduces the detrimental effect of interactions with room boundaries figures 10
and 11. Outside the typically small area of optimum stereo, we have found that NXT
panels actually deliver superior imaging because of their better off-axis performance
and reduced room interaction. Another important contributing factor is the way NXT
panels, quite counter-intuitively, behave like a point source in the far field figure 12.
Research work quantifying stereo localisation errors has shown that listeners can more
reliably localise virtual sound sources with DMLs than they can with conventional
loudspeakers figure 13."
"With conventional wide-dispersion loudspeakers you also tend to hear much more
contribution from the listening room. Standing-wave resonances are more pronounced,
so the tonal balance varies significantly as you change listening position, and
interaction with room boundaries is worsened too, making speaker placement more
critical. NXT panels behave quite differently as a result of the diffuse nature of their
radiation. Because their sound does not emanate from a fixed, well-defined point in
space the distribution of sound pressure within the listening space is actually much
more even with an NXT panel than with a conventional loudspeaker figure 14. So room
interaction is actually reduced figure 15."