What is your summer “cool as a cucumber” system?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2022
As summer rolls around in the Bay Area, with temperatures expected to climb into the triple digits in most parts (even SF is going to get into the 90s!), it’s time to mothball all my tube DACs, tube (phono) preamplifiers and amplifiers, and bring in the energy efficient cooler equipment for the remainder of the summer.

Here’s one of my “cool as a cucumber” systems, the amazing Eversolo DMP-A6 server/streamer/DAC with the true digital PWM Lyngdorf TDA-2170 amplifier with RoomPerfect correction. The Eversolo is just being used as a transporter of the bitstream, and the Lyngdorf does the rest, converting the bitstream into analog without any low level D-to-A conversion. The signal is kept in digital form right till the very end where it is converted into analog by a passive RC network. Sounds very nice indeed. A true 21st century system with no 100-year old tube circuitry in it.

I use AC as well, which is a mixed blessing for audiophiles. It kills any pianissimos in music. Loud rock and roll is fine, but forget listening to serious classical music! Fortunately these heat waves are few and far between in the Bay Area. I’d love to retire to Carmel where the weather is always in the low 60s through the year! Need to have a successful exit from a startup to afford anything in Carmel.
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I use AC as well, which is a mixed blessing for audiophiles. It kills any pianissimos in music. Loud rock and roll is fine, but forget listening to serious classical music! Fortunately these heat waves are few and far between in the Bay Area. I’d love to retire to Carmel where the weather is always in the low 60s through the year! Need to have a successful exit from a startup to afford anything in Carmel.

I simply turn off the air conditioner when I start to listen to music. It cools off the room before a listening session.
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I use AC as well, which is a mixed blessing for audiophiles. It kills any pianissimos in music. Loud rock and roll is fine, but forget listening to serious classical music! Fortunately these heat waves are few and far between in the Bay Area. I’d love to retire to Carmel where the weather is always in the low 60s through the year! Need to have a successful exit from a startup to afford anything in Carmel.
I simply turn off the air conditioner when I start to listen to music. It cools off the room before a listening session.
I agree with you. A/C effects setup badly electrically but it’s necessary for cooling the room. Not a night and day difference but a very slight smearing is audible.
I live in a suburb of Memphis, it is hot as hell here all summer. Still run tube integrated amps in both systems, the AC is running; listen just as much as I do spring, fall and winter.
First summer with my current system. I hope I can use it as is (with AC when needed here in NJ, USA) but Poseidon might be a little too hot and I'll need to think of a backup DAC. Levante has tubes but it doesn't get that warm and the rest I'm not worried about.
Live in the Dallas area Tubes in the evening and SS while I am working in my office. Only 104 here today (with heat index)

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