Paul Smith was an outstanding Jazz pianist who died in 2013 at the age of 91. A superb be-bop pianist who resided in California, he was known as the ultimate studio musician and was the long time accompanist for many singers such as Ella and Mel Torme. He also had several albums as a leader. I was introduced to him in 1984 through his superb album "Intensive Care" (w Louis Bellson and Ray Brown). Here is some rare footage that is a joy to watch and listen to. This guy could play. Nice interview as well.
Excellent album and excellent recording quality. Through my Maggie 1.7i's and SVS PB-1000 Pro subs, the performance is right here in my room and the sound is completely divorced from the speakers and subs. The front half of the room is completely gone as well.
Here's a guy I knew nothing about until someone sent me this recently. It took me a while to understand what was happening in this video but when the light finally went on it all I could say was "WTF"?
His multi-instrumental skills are legit and widely known in the jazz world and his Wiki page is very interesting.