I have observed on many occasions that some fellow a'philes do not in fact have priorities or goals that are clearly understood. This seems to lead to constant gear swapping, constant flip flopping on what is their expectation for their systems and unfortunately a great deal of disappointment. In some instances, I suspect this disappointment has lead to a change of hobby. I do think that that many dealers and manufacturer's are also guilty of propagating this disappointment. Steve's mantra seems to make a lot of sense....question is how many people follow it?
Yes, and it's important that you don't just know your priorities, but also know to protect them and not get distracted. My minimonitors don't go low in the bass at all, but for almost a decade I had no subwoofer because I did not want an extra crossover from my speakers that might affect the vividness of their midrange, a feature absolutely vital to me. Then, in 2000, I read about the REL concept of a subwoofer running in parallel to the main speakers, without crossover from them (I think they were the first ones with that concept, but I may be mistaken). So I added a REL subwoofer to my system, with great results beyond expectations.
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