Best headphone amp I've heard.... and I've heard a lot of headphone amps..... DNA Stellaris. Donald North Audio. This amp creates an amazing sense of space and layering which I haven't heard reproduced elsewhere, probably because it's not something headphones do terribly well relative to speakers. It also creates a very rare tactile palpability that only a couple other headamps I've heard can match. In other words, not only does it create a 3D macro image, but the individual components have a very palpable 3D quality as well. As opposed to 3D soundstage with flat images. I heard Masterbuilt Ultra cables do this in an uncanny way with my 2 channel rig, by the way. Run of the mill vintage RCA 2A3 tubes will do a fantastic job with the DNA Stellaris as well. No need for anything more exotic. My current runner up might be the Woo WA33. It has many of the same qualities as the DNA Stellaris, but to a slightly lesser degree. And incidentally, the "base" WA33 is superior to the "upgraded" version IMO as well. Most Woo products are too warmed over for my liking, but not the base WA33.
Personally, I'm using a First Watt F7 with a pair of modified Sennheiser HD800 cans. It's a good-enough combo for me on the rare occasions I use headphones.
Not into head phones but I try them at show. The viva head amp and dacs were fantastic.
+1, especially the 845 version which was awesome on HE1k. The 2A3 version didn’t do it for me.
You did indeed like the cheaper one though I preferred the more visceral and musically involving presentation of the 845. I found the 2A3 flatter sounding and less engaging using the same headphones.
A good “Stax Mafia” Kevin Gilmore DIY T2 build makes even a Blue Hawaii SE with NOS tubes, and a KGSShv Carbon, sound broken by comparison. I sold my BHSE immediately upon receiving the T2. That’s the most transformative headphone amp I’ve heard - for Stax 009, 009S, 007, and even Sennheiser he90 Orpheus headphones.
Next, for dynamic headphones, would be the Singlepower SDS-XLR $20k monstrosity. Heard two builds of that. Elevated the Sony R10. But there are a lot of great dynamic amps out there; not so much with electrostats.
That's fair - it's been so long I almost forgot what a POS Singlepower's proprietor Mikhail was leading up to his disappearance. In fact I lost $800+ myself to him on a botched amp upgrade that blew some of my headphones (original Sennheiser HD580 Jubilee, pretty rare these days). That was right near the end of Singlepower. Mikhail got noticeably more frazzled, and made more mistakes, towards the end. Many lost far more $$$$ including Tom Hankins, who's a friend of mine, used to live local - yeah he got burned really really bad. For a while before that it was a tale of "good Mikhail, bad Mikhail", and some of the amps he produced sounded exceptional - just luck of the draw what you received. Some didn't sound great, and others had serious safety issues as noted. But man, those two SDS-XLR's I heard, in the monster chassis, sounded simply sublime.
And now I must be jinxed, because I think a channel went out in my T2 just now. The BHSE and Carbon, to their credit, were rock solid no-worries always going to work. Fortunately my Tannoy 2ch system is very reliable, or I'd be quite upset right now.