William DuVall 11.12.21 Live-In-Studio Nashville Album — Direct-To-Disc LP

Ron Resnick

Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Jan 24, 2015
Beverly Hills, CA
William DuVall, the co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of Seattle-based rock band Alice In Chains, has released a solo album titled 11.12.21 Live-In-Studio Nashville. The reason this is interesting is that this album apparently was recorded legitimate direct-to-disc!

As the title implies, 11.12.21 will be a live album recorded at the Welcome to 1979 Studio in Nashville, Tennessee, recorded completely analog within a 40 minute timespan. Theprp quotes Duvall’s explanation of the album’s production, stating that “I cut a record last year. Literally. No computers, no tape. Just a needle cutting grooves directly into a plastic lacquer disc as we played live.


My favorite track on the album is “White

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thank you Ron.

btw; i have fallen in love with this lowly 16/44 streaming album on Quboz....playing cuts daily. fully amazed.....i did request it to be played at a few systems over the weekend at the Puget Audio Fest....meh.....having a 'nice' room sometimes does make all the difference.

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thank you Ron.

My pleasure, Mike! You know I love direct-to-disc as much as you do, so I was very pleasantly surprised to learn about this from my friend Christian Benner, of Christian Benner Custom, who makes custom leather jackets for Steven Tyler, Jon Bon Jovi, Slash, Axl Rose, Lady Gaga and many other rock stars.

I received my album today, but I won’t be able to play it until I can take it to a friend’s house.
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Mine hasn’t arrived. But oddly something else from same place did?
ok, mine arrived yesterday and i'm listening this morning.

this is not your typical direct to disc recording. it's a grungy guitar blast, nice drum kit runs...... well recorded to the degree i can tell :oops: . nice sense of the recording booth. not sure this music is the best use of this process. but it is a very truthful recording.

i guess i like side 2 more......

i have pressing 248/250. i'm all for support of the d-t-d process, and glad it's happening.

and.....drum roll......no digital step going on here. :p baaaut.....not entirely sure i could tell if there was one. :cool:

btw.....above i mention i've recently fallen in love with a 16/44 file off Quboz of Alice In Chains Unplugged. on the Wadax in my system it is breathtaking. even if you don't buy this or like this dtd pressing, you got to listen to that streaming file.
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