Interesting subject this, and seems to have lit the fuse wire, which is good, lots of responses.
In my opinion this hobby tends to be a bloke thing, I wish it wasn't, and there are exceptions, but folk at hifi shows and folk on these forums (regular basis) sadly it looks to me like a male dominated hobby. And I wish it wasn't. Lots of exceptions, but generally I believe that is so.
Now in my mind, one of the key things things to a relationship with someone, taking a simplistic 50+ something couple with kids moved out, it doing stuff together. I may be lucky in the fact my other half loves sport, so unlike my previous marriage, we do 90% of all our interests together. And this includes music.
My music room is small, and off my lounge which is a decent size. So in effect my 'man cave' as my wife calls it, is part of the set. If I play music she hears it. There are occasions she may watch a movie and wear headphones, or on an evening I use the LCD4s, but 70% of our listening is on the speakers. What does this mean, why is this relevant.
Well I believe in my situation it is very relevant. I need to share my / our hobby. This in a way justifies the effort, energy and cost of it. The danger is if I had long ago separated it out to be my 'man cave' as an exclusive or separated element to our living space, it would have damaged my relationship, I am convinced of it.
So, the obsession of this hobby is one thing, the cost of it another, and the involvement of the family in it is another, and that last point is possibly the most important to me.
Obviously this is my personal life / view and won't apply to everyone, but my take on this odd-ball h-end audio world we live in. If it brings a smile on your face, you know you are there. If it makes to chill out, feels at ease and generally glow all over, then you are definitely there!